
Hanis Athirah

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nis rah kolej mek sik rapat ngan ktk tp knk mek rindu ktk pun presence oh? mek heran mcm at certain times mesti rasa rindu ktk gilak2 maka sik rapat pun. stressssss

Yer hahaha ada juak org rindu kmk. Lol xdabah haha ne laa kmk tauk kenak. Rilek rilek. Boh stress stress. Sikbagus pake kesihatan. Esok nak puasa. Selamat berpuasa! :) hahaha

Pandangan anda terhadap JET Mpptk14/15 - Muaz,Marsya,Atif,Shapa

Mereka dipilih berdasarkan undian, which means that everyone (or most people) have faith in them to lead all of us. They deserve their places, and all I can say is I hope they can make a change in Permata, for the greater good. We are all behind you.
All the best, Ahmad Muaz, Marsya Amani, Atif Shafiqi and Nuraini Shapariah :)
Liked by: nurain nasuha

what happen in permata pintar actually? why you say congrats to .. arg i dont remember their name... why??

There was an election for the top four positions of MPPTK (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar & Majlis Tertinggi Kolej) yesterday and those whom I said congrats to are those who won thr elections :)

des flash mob dgn drama masa penutupan fsc 2014

Flash mob best gilaaaa aku enjoy gila sbb diorg perform gempak gilaaa plus aku pun join kat balcony (?) belakang dewan masa tu (kalau perasan laaa haha) & drama pulak um hahaha Alhamdulillah berbaloi jugak usaha kitorg all this while although agak lawak and agak awkward but it was great. Good job semua! :D
Liked by: WSMay

Awak ? ? jangan marah saya. hati dan perasaan tak boleh dipaksa. saya dh terlanjur suka kt awak laa . . nak buat macam mana ? ?

Dah dahlaaa tu ye sahabatku. Aku tahu kau siapa. Gahahahha

awak anggap saya kawan ? ? *nanges* sedihnyerr . . huurmm takpe laa at least saya adalah smthing utk awak . . tp kalau boleh nak lebih dr kawan, okay ??

-_______- kau merepek apakah ini

Awak bawak saya yer ?? ke pangkal jalan . . *muka mengharap* Insyaalah sampai ke syurga kita . .

Astagfirullahalazim. Kau ni bab bab mcmni memang nombor satu en. Haish. Insaflah wahai rakan.


Language: English