

Ask @MuhammadHassanKhan

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Do u ever accidently open a message and be like......"Shit yaar !! Ab reply krna padega" ?

Haan na. Very often. It's like I wanna ignore that person for a while and then suddenly when I am about to press the back button of an app, their notification pops up again and instead of going back, I reach straight to the chat and I have to reply because I don't like seenzoning. -.-

If u can't say anything good or help depressed, at least don't make fun of them.AND NO IM NOT THAT ANON WHO SENT THAT DEPRESSED QUESTION

mariambatool1’s Profile PhotoDentist
Well, as long as it's an anon, Idgaf. People who really are depressed don't hide themselves and send such questions to all. They struggle to get better and they can fuckin' untick and talk about it instead of making a tamasha out of it.
ASKfm is a platform for people who act fake and I don't waste my words on fake people.
+1 answer in: “In my childhood i used to think of a better tomorrow but nothing happens how i wanted or imagined it to be. And now when nothing is how i thought it would be i lost my motivation and excitement for future..feels like everythings over n theres nothing left that can spark excitemnt 🖤”

In my childhood i used to think of a better tomorrow but nothing happens how i wanted or imagined it to be. And now when nothing is how i thought it would be i lost my motivation and excitement for future..feels like everythings over n theres nothing left that can spark excitemnt 🖤

Wow. I have never seen enna depression. Feels like you took pills to get to this level of depression.
+1 answer Read more


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