

Ask @MuhammadHassanKhan

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And at night I sometimes wonder....

Where does all my love go? All the efforts, all the struggles, all the nights I stayed up late for the people I care for, where tf does it all go?
Let me tell you where it goes. It all goes in VAIN. Yes, you heard that right. When you fuck things up, no one gives a shit about your love, struggle, efforts or even your tears. All that matters is that you did something wrong and that's it. It's over. You don't mean the same to that person anymore. You don't own the same place in their life anymore.
So, it's better to give fucks to yourself than to others or make sure the person you are sacrficing for, is worth it.

Random thoughts?✨

Wengie99’s Profile PhotoWalaa✨
I'm all about video games. PC games, Xbox games, PS games. Idc if it's an exclusive for Microsoft or Xbox or PS4 , if it's a AAA title then I will definitely play. You are not a true gamer if you prefer one platform over another without solid reasons. Every platform has its own charm. A true gamer appreciates every single game that deserves the appreciation regardless of the platform.
I know you guys have nothing to do with this but I just felt like saying so I said xD


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