
Samuel Johnson

Ask @SamuelAngelous

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what is the most obvious sign of love? ??

If you think about that person often.. they get on your nerves.. and you wanna rip their clothes off because you want them to be part of you.. and climax with them and only them.. if you say I'm gonna kill them but don't is a good sign.. if it's a girl she can do a number of things but two I always pick up on is if she asks if you ate today or is a bitch to you and flirts off and on... yea that's obvious... one I've seen is the girl will ask if your gonna be there or if your staying also she won't speak if someone suggests you two should date.. she'll wait on your answer.. if it's a guy we are honestly simple meek nice guys will be your friend to absurd lengths bad guys will be more abrasive and blunt and the nice asshole alpha people are all searching for will work on theirselves.. the only way you get that one is by pursuing them, being slutty to them in specific because their super dense, or you inspire them.. keep in mind there aka alpha-beta males they think things through but they also take risks.. the fact that also exists is alpha-beta males have been leaders in the past they've faced hardships and it has left them to be less than impressed by half-assed efforts so do your best... they are some of the warmest, brightest, kindest, most caring people you'll meet.. till provoked.. out of the three alpha-beta males succeed more and fail less.. are dependable but fight back and won't always accept no as a answer.. their work but everything worth having is lol.. but I've rambled enough hope this helps.

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What's the craziest thing you've done?

Hands down it was for the Navy.. I was 20ft up and could not swim. I was ordered to lift my right leg then I was launched into the water 9 times.. I drowned 8 out of the 9 times.. I did it the 8th time saying, I'm going to die but it's genuinely ok if I die I die for my country (millions of innocents and those few I love) and then I passed the swim test but I'm hydrophobic(fear of drowning) and I'm a Acrophobic(fear of heights). There's a few other crazy moments but your gonna have to ask those in person.

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What makes someone a bad parent ?

When they choose to not communicate with their child because it's difficult.. the same goes with all realationships family business or otherwise.. communication is key.

If you had all six infinity stones and you snap your fingers, what would you make disappear?

The attraction of age.

How would your friends describe you???

If they were honest and said nice things first they say his ex's bragged on him about a couple things, he's (being me naturally) a good guy but he's a asshole.. good thing he's our asshole; he tells jokes stays optimistic and has brightened up my perspective on things.. When I needed him he was there.. cutting it super close but he came through for me.. but as far as the first bits I'd imagine they'd say I'm the king of fake news.. nice.. a push over and then nice stuff that might be that stuff at the top lol.

Do you have a lucky talisman? If yes, why is that so lucky?

Tbh only luck I got is from God and somedays I feel it's wasted in me because I want to be able to help people by offering them affordable housing or at least more reasonable housing and to do that you gotta save constantly and now I'm rambling but yea that's all the lucky things I got.

Which celebrity would you like to meet?

Jack black. I'd have 2 stuffed kung fu pandas I'd have him sign.

Tell me about your flaws ?

There's plenty of scars that make me question too many things... I've gave soo much to those around me that I tend to be cold sometimes... I do this because I think so intensely about things... so I can't risk caring about every little thing.. I now got myself on a sleep schedule because when I get too exhausted I can have a panic attack.. which is ruff... most people call me a asshole because I call them out. After being basically tortured for 5 years by my step family.. being poisoned, shot at, other types death threats throughout those years, and having a sucker punch gash my upper eyelid open resulting in 7 stitches based on a false rumor my step family spread amongst themselves; has taught me my mom was wrong to tell me to not fight back and to just stay quiet... Now I'm loud and well I call people out aka be a asshole. I'm simple and tend to jump head first at times...other times I'm skeptical of something too good to be true. I'm confident which also means I'm cocky and full of shit sometimes... I imagine there's more but pretty much all my strengths also have their respective flaws that either are connected to them by default or people insist on making them as such. If you want more your gonna have to ask in person I imagine I could elaborate on my flaws with greater effect in that setting.

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if you could ask your soulmate anything, you would ask...

What is it that keeps you up at night, what's that one thing that steals your peace away from you.. you just can't escape?? Give it to me and I'll give mine to you: Then, let us face the dawn with our strength renewed.. for separate we were strong.. but together we are legendary.

what's something you would never want to tell anyone?

There is no hope.. I'd never say this by the way.

Have you ever broken up with a friend ?

All my gfs started out as friends so... yeah. When I broke up with someone it was always on good terms after I turned 19.

Which cities would you like to visit around the world?

Tokyo Japan, Paris France, Rome Italy, and Sydney Australia.

How often do you get bored?

It varies depending on how busy I am but I like trying new things and exploring.... so I tend to like being entertained.

Do you believe the devil exists?

As much as God does that's the scary part.. The balance is always evident if you just look around.


Language: English