@anonamouse89887#8 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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If you had to pick one song to be your "anthem", which would that be? Why that specific one? 🎶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo, mine has gotta be ‘I Lived’ by OneRepublic. 😄
I started listening to that song after it came out in like… 2014? And the message really resonated with me. It is one of the only songs I listened to back then, that is still just as relevant to me now.
The song talks about wishing people could spend all their days doing the things that make them the happiest… And to “own every second that this world can give.” And despite the numerous obstacles they face, they can live life to the fullest and have so many unforgettable experiences.
In lot of ways, I just feel like it’s helped shape the way I look at my life, and the things I’ve had the luxury of experiencing and achieving, in spite of illness, especially.
Also, it makes me optimistic for the future, and reminds me that I do have so much more left to experience, even when I inevitably have setbacks, or feel discouraged.
This version, specifically, is my favorite!
https://youtu.be/ACh5neHDLsEanonamouse89887’s Video 171415486612 ACh5neHDLsEanonamouse89887’s Video 171415486612 ACh5neHDLsE

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anonamouse89887’s Video 171415486612 ACh5neHDLsEanonamouse89887’s Video 171415486612 ACh5neHDLsE

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Do you control your anxiety? How?

Well, I try my hardest to control it. However, I’m not always successful in doing so… But I’ll list some things that help me the most.
-Journaling: I find this to be the most helpful coping technique, and the one I use most often. I am someone who needs to process my anxiety and emotions internally, before I share them with others, and journalling allows me to kind of arrange my thoughts and get really clear on what exactly I’m feeling, and why.
-Being in nature: Even just going on a 10 minute walk does so much for my mental health. I find nature to be incredibly calming and beautiful, so it really helps me to just forget about technology for a bit, and clear my head.
-Spending time with animals: Just being in the presence of most animals is soothing to me when I’m anxious. I was someone who had cats growing up, and they were always my go-to comfort animals. They just radiated this calmness and warmth that I felt I needed when I was upset, but specifically, my cats laying on my lap or right next to me, would stop me from having panic attacks.
Reading: Something fictional usually works best for me, as I am able to detach from the real world and become invested an alternate world for a bit. And sometimes, it actually helps me come back to the root of my anxiety later and find a solution to the problem, because I was able to get out of my own head for a bit. If that makes sense.
Last thing I’ll say is, I know anxiety sucks, and how hopeless it can feel at times. I just hope you can find things that help you. I wish you the best of luck and all the healing you might need! ☺️

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Do you control your anxiety How

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How soon do you pack before going on vacation? A week before? The night before? The day of?

Usually, I start packing like 2-3 days before when it comes to larger, planned out vacations. But if it’s just a small vacation, like only a few days, I’ll pack the night before.
Even though, I tend to overpack, and it takes me forever to get everything I think I need. 😆
How soon do you pack before going on vacation A week before The night before The
Liked by: Allison Marie Tobbe

What was your best / worst movie-going experience? 🍿📽

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My best movie-going experience by far, was in 2015, when I went to see San Andreas for the first time.
I went with my dad to this ‘fancy’ cinema for Fathers Day that year. It was basically this “dinner and a movie” experience, where you sat in a comfy reclining chair and there was a tray with a menu, and you got an actual meal while you watched the movie. It was sooo good! 🤤
Not to mention, the movie totally sucked me in… And by the end of it, I was so entranced, I literally left the cinema worrying that the world outside didn’t exist anymore, or had been completely destroyed. 😂
I have NEVER experienced another movie that had that impact on me. Despite the fact that I’ve watched a LOT of natural disaster movies, and have had a total fascination with them since I was a child.
And I will also say that I haven’t had another cinema experience that tops that one, with the great food and all, either.

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What was your best  worst moviegoing experience

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Liked by: Allison Marie Tobbe

I wish you a wonderful day. I hope you can always smile and feel good❄.

vane0432’s Profile PhotoᏉ.
Aw, that’s very sweet! Thank you! I wish the same for you 😄
I wish you a wonderful day
I hope you can always smile and feel good
Liked by: Tobbe

How would you describe your connection to nature? Do you enjoy being near flora and fauna? 🌲🦋🌻

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d say I have a fairly strong connection to nature! I love being outdoors whenever possible.
It just brings me a sense of calmness, and helps me with concentration. A lot of times, I’ll go for a walk if I want to refocus, or have a few moments to myself to reflect, especially if there’s a lot going on in my life.
I’ve always been an anxious person, even as a child, and nature has been one of the main things that’s helped ease my anxiety a lot. And also, it’s just a natural happiness boost for me, in general!
Also, I am that person who takes a TON of landscape/flower pictures. I find essentially everything in nature to be picture worthy. And I clog up my camera roll in doing so… 😂
How would you describe your connection to nature Do you enjoy being near flora

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Liked by: Tobbe

When you buy new clothes do you wash them first before you wear them?

Yes, I always wash my clothing before I wear it. It’s something my parents always did when I was growing up, and now I feel like it’s more of a habit than anything. It feels almost wrong not to. 😆
When you buy new clothes do you wash them first before you wear them
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How many pairs of shoes do you own?

BonesAngela’s Profile Photo#SWEET
Currently, I only own like 4 pairs of shoes. Mostly because there are very few shoes that are actually comfortable for me (thanks to chronic pain/inflammation).
My favorite shoes to wear are anything with a heel, whether that’s high heels, boots with a heel, etc… If I could, I would wear heels way more often than I do.
How many  pairs of shoes  do you own
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you think you get more attention with or without a profile picture of yourself?

With a profile picture, I definitely get more attention than I ever did without one.
But, I think at least having people see pictures of me, regardless of if I share identifying information or not, is better than being completely anonymous. As total anonymity tends to make people quite suspicious, and with good reason.
Do you think you get more attention with or without a profile picture of
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What is something you don’t mind paying more money for?

Makeup… It’s one of the only things I’m willing to purchase, even if it’s fairly expensive. I don’t do it often, as I’m hyperaware of my spending habits, but it could very easily get out of hand if I let it! 😅
What is something you dont mind paying more money for
Liked by: Tobbe

What about you? How do you think a world inhabited by clones of you would look like? 😝😁

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, for one thing, the beauty industry would be like the biggest industry in the world, as everyone would be obsessed with hair, makeup, skin care, clothing, etc… Also, everyone would be wearing dresses all the time.
People would be constantly full of creative ideas, and you’d find them writing, painting, drawing, or coming up with some crazy storyline for their Sims game. And since one of my main love languages is gift giving, I bet the world would be full of people coming up with unique gifts to surprise each other with!
However, I would say the medical field would struggle A LOT to keep up and provide proper care for everyone, if they required as much medical intervention as I do. It’d also be crazy expensive to do so.
And literally everyone would just be stumbling around all the time, cause I’m incredibly clumsy and I trip over my own feet a lot. 😂
Also, I bet, like your world, there would need to be a lot more electricity as I both play video games, and am on my phone or computer an awful lot. And resources would be running out quickly.
The last thing I think would be rather… interesting about a world full of my clone is, the population wouldn’t be growing at all 😆 Cause I’m asexual, so there’d be no reproduction of any kind happening. Which, not gonna lie, would be better for the planet, but also, it sounds apocalyptic cause that’s the polar opposite of our current world.

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What about you How do you think a world inhabited by clones of you would look

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What is a random thing that gives you anxiety?

Ordering food/drink. Whether that’s at a restaurant, a fast food place, a coffee shop, etc… I always feel like people are judging what I’m ordering or that I’ve ordered too much.
It’s gotten to the point, at times, where I will change what I want at the last second, so I end up ordering less than what I actually wanted. Or I will get something “healthier” so I can ease the anxiety that people are judging my choices.
I don’t really understand why, but I’ve had this problem for most of my life. It’s honestly a very difficult habit to break.
What is a random thing that gives you anxiety

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Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

On a scale of 0-10, how well can you write cursive?

As of currently? Probably like a 5. I’d definitely be quite rusty as I haven’t had the need to write cursive (outside of my signature 😆) in years. I’m glad I learned it, I guess, but it’s not really a skill I need to keep up with.
On a scale of 010 how well can you write cursive
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

Are you sometimes forgetful? What do you do to remember stuff or to not lose things when you're out and about? 🥴🤦‍♂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I am forgetful, yes! A lot more than I’d like to be, honestly.
I tend to forget where I put things, like my phone, keys, wallet, etc… Sometimes I forget to bring something from home all together. Or I’ll set something down, thinking I’ll remember, and then I end up leaving it. 🥴
To fix this, I often keep reminders on my phone of important things I need take with me, or that’s on my to-do list. I even leave sticky notes for myself as extra reminders! That way if I’m not looking at my phone, it doesn’t completely slip my memory.
As for remembering where I put stuff, I do try to stay fairly organized and put everything back in the same spot so it’ll be harder to forget where I last left it. Also, if it helps, store everything that’s essential to bring with you by your front door, so it’s within eyesight when you’re leaving.
And then, I have one more weird tip, but it might be helpful… Use mnemonics. Like a catchy phrase to help you remember everything. So for example, I like the phrase “Sell Milk.”
Sell- Cell phone
M- Money
I- ID card/ and any other important cards you might need for public transport, etc…
L- Lunch (if you’re packing for school/work/another event where that’s needed)
K- Keys
Might not work for everyone, but you can just make silly phrases like that! Hope that helps! 😁

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Are you sometimes forgetful What do you do to remember stuff or to not lose

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Would you recommend pads or tampons for someone just starting out? What is your favorite type and brand? Thank you!

It truly depends on what you’re comfortable with, and which one would suit you best. What I mean by that is, depending on your lifestyle, pads specifically, can be quite inconvenient.
An example would be, if you’re an athlete, a swimmer, a gymnast, etc… Tampons would be the most logical choice for you.
It is important to note though, that pads are significantly easier to start out with than tampons, as you have to learn how to use tampons properly, first.
Personally, I have tried both, and I almost always prefer pads. But I’m also not super physically active, and they are just more comfortable for me.
I wear the Always Maxi pads! There are a few different types, like ultra thin, super absorbency, with/without wings, etc… And I can’t really recommend a certain type just because that is something you have to test out and see what works best for you!
I really hope that helps a little, and that you are successful in finding the right thing for you! 😄

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Would you recommend pads or tampons for someone just starting out What is your

Are you the type to care about other people's opinions?

To an extent, yes. I care about certain people’s opinions more than others. I’d say I place the highest value on my close family and friends opinions, though.
Are you the type to care about other peoples opinions

What do you think is needlessly expensive? 😒💲 (Try and come up with things that aren't expensive cause of world events, such as gas)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Therapy… It’s basically inaccessible for a majority of the population (at least, in America).
Like, it makes me so sad to think about the amount of people who could seriously benefit from therapy but can’t do it, cause they wouldn’t be able to pay for even one session.
Taking care of one’s mental health shouldn’t be a luxury reserved for a privileged few.
What do you think is needlessly expensive  Try and come up with things that

Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal?

I don’t think I would, no. Especially if I was the only immortal one. Like, I think it would be a pretty miserable experience to lose everyone you ever come to know, while you live on forever. It just doesn’t sound like something I want to go through.
Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal
Liked by: Star. i Tobbe

What kinds of wall decorations do you have in your home? Maybe post a picture of one of your favorites? 🖼

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This is currently my favorite picture! I really love the different colors in it, specifically the gold. I just switched up the main color scheme in my house, so this actually ties it together perfectly! ☺️
What kinds of wall decorations do you have in your home Maybe post a picture of

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Liked by: Star. i Tobbe

Exactly!! Welcome to team askers!! ☺️ *Puts pin on your shirt* How has your test run gone so far? 😊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, thank you! 😄 It’s gone good so far! I haven’t sent it to many people as of yet. I was overthinking what types of questions to ask, honestly! That’s probably why it’s taking me so long to branch out and actually start doing it. Also, I’m a little shy. 😅
Exactly Welcome to team askers  Puts pin on your shirt How has your test run

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What is one of your favorite accomplishments so far?

I graduated Cosmetology school, and I’m now a licensed Cosmetologist, which has been my ultimate dream and passion since I was like, 7 years old. ☺️
What is one of your favorite  accomplishments so far
Liked by: Tobbe


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