

Ask @EquiiFiftyNifty

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What good idea you have had lately?

Buying these awesome comfy shoes and got a HUGE deal on them!! :)

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How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

like once if any... ;) Im all for Natural Beauty! :)

OMG he is soooooooo cute! My mom used to have a Pekingese but she passed away years ago but I do now have a dachshund :)

Awwhh COOL!!! I LOVE RUSTY TO PEICES!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT ID DO WITHOUT HIM!!!! He's my buddy!!! :D I just posted a video on ig of him doing tricks!! He's soo cute!! :D lol!

What breed is your dog? Cutest dog ever!!

OMGosh!! Thank you!! He is half Dachshund & half Pekingese!! :D (another pic!)
His Name is Rusty Boots :)

*I have to pay outstanding to my mum and I have hardly any money remain... So hard decision :(( :D (btw sry for bad english :D) And how about U? :3 :))

omy you have a tough decision to make. :/ Thats okay! Im good. My mouth is not as sore and i found a horse to lease for summer but finally can go to the barn this weekend and ride her but she is recovering from a infection so vet says we can only walk her so the owner said i could walk her and bath her and let her graze so it will be fun but i want her to get better! :)

Oh, well, well :D Me and Cosette are jumping every lesson higher and higher... I am just buying a new DSLR camera but i can´t decide... I definitely want Nikon, but I do not know which one. D3200 or D5100 or D5200... Like omg they all are amazing but if i have D5200*

I have the Nikon D3200 & LOVE IT!!! Most of the pics on my ig are from it like 2-3 weeks down ;) All the zoo animal ones are shots i used that camera with! :) Here is one of my pics with that camera! :) My Puppy Dog! I Love this shot!! It takes amazing PICTURES!! Still have to try videos! :)

oh no :(

crazy for life XD
yeah. the owner says she's getting better and says i can ride her walking (Vets rules til she gets better at least!) on sunday and then im going to do a mini photoshoot and give her a bath and all that good stuff! :) And let her graze after her bath! :D (She's the bay one, first one in the pic on the left side :) )


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