

Ask @EquiiFiftyNifty

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If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

something that gave all us horselovers some days to be with our horses & at the barn!! :) Like Equinedayz! :) Yeah thats what i'd call it! lol! Now someone get the president to allow this! lol! :)
Liked by: Dale Fachnie

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You have such cute pictures with him!

i know!! I wish I could go and take more and ride him or just SEE HIM!! :) Owners other horse Black Friesian, Mateo! :) Both extremely SWEET!! :) If you want more ask on + :)
Liked by: horselover572

Ahh he's gorgeous! And your saddle looks so nice! :)

lol!! Thanks!! I MISS HIM SOOO MUCH!!!! <3 him!! That's his owners saddle which was super heavy and okay comfy but not the best.....rarely used that saddle rode bareback, when Mac switch barns!!! But if on trails i'd use it! :)

Have you ever jumped? :) (ur turn to ask horsey qs)

I have at summer camp!! :) But no really lessons! :( Okay i will! :)

If you didn't ride western what class would you do instead?

Well that leaves english I guess... lol probably XC or Stadium jumping!! I have always wanted to try those!! :)
Liked by: Melissa Walker

What type of horse did you ride before 50?

many.... but the lease i had before/with 50 (this is when everyone was scared of 50 and people still are cause of his crabbiness!) I was leasing a horse named Mac and when his own took him on camp trail rides and he was not at the barn, id ride 50. So i leased BOTH!! lol!
Mac is a Quarter Horse/ Draft (he had a HUGE head and that was from his draft mix) He is 16 point some hands... super tall!! People were surprised I could swing up one him bareback in one leap!! I was pretty proud about that! :) Here's a pic! (One of my last rides one him... actually the last :,( ) Ask for more :)

If you couldn't have fifty what breed horse would you want?

Ahhggg!! Thats a horriable thought!! lol! But i'd like a tb!! Or my favorite horse before 50 which was a qh/draft mix!! :) or a Canadian Jumper!! I have pics of each of these if you want to see! Just tell me which one! lol!

How did you get a fan page??

Jada Lee
lol! I dont know! I knew a friend had on and i comment on it how lucky she was and maybe its the same person..lol!! :D

Name of the horses you have rode.

Karisa AndBrownie
Thumper, Toby, Tempeste, Daniell, Mac, Classy, Malibu, Purdy, Snip, 50, Don, Barron, snapper, Dusty, Diamond, Dallas, Arrow, Badger, Cowboy, Hildgo, Cracker, Oreo, Monet, Cocheese, Tucker, Heartly, Yohan, Dolly, Flash, Aearoa, pancake, nash, etc.... a LOT! :) <3
Liked by: Karisa AndBrownie

I live on the east coast in the south. IM NOT USED TO COLD!!

Madison Kitchen
lol! ikr! I live errrr ummm... lets see not on coast --> in middle of u.s.a (but a state that boarders canada)!

Why doesnt he get a blanket outside? Where do you live? How cold is it?

Madison Kitchen
Cause the his owners at the stable only give it to the older horses, and he is not old..., i live in the u.s.a, it was a windshield of -50 today soooo i feel really bad for him :( , but he has a nice WINTER coat on too! :)

Hola personita a la que seguimos!^^ somos 3 askeros amantes de los caballos dispuestos a ayudaros en cualquier duda que tengais respecto a este mundillo. Preguntas sobre como se hace tal ejercicio o mi caballo hace [inserta problema] como puedo solucionarlo, etc. pasaroooos, un besoo!:*

informer de la equitación
bien, gracias


Language: English