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How long did it take for you to come up with your current signature?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I learned cursive in Kindergarten… back when it was a natural addition to educational requirements. I took calligraphy in elementary school. I played around with all types of writing styles, including practicing how my friends wrote. My signature just naturally developed from by my favorites. I have studied graphology as well. Interesting research. It’s still a soft science though.
How long did it take for you to come up with your current signature

What are you interested in that most people haven't heard of or aren't into?

MuhammadAli191’s Profile PhotoMohammed Ali Baloucch
Graphology how our hand writing has to be .it makes us either confident or timid
Like small t bar should go maximum up it mean confident,goal oriented person who believes in himself
Small t bar written lower means you have low self steem low goals ,you are not confident, you don't believe in yourself
What are you interested in that most people havent heard of or arent into

,,Where did we left off?''

,,Alright. Due to the fact that my shift begins in approximately five minutes and 34 seconds I’ll make this very quick. As you probably now my name is Dr. Spencer Reid and I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit here in Quantico, Virginia. My earliest child memories are about my mother reading me the earliest Valentine’s poems, which includes Chaucer’s Parlement of Foules. The veriety of books she read to me played an important role in my vast basic knowledge in many areas. I have an IQ of 187, giving me the title of a genius amongst peers and others. An eidetic memory and the possibility of reading 20,000 words per minute are also among my special skills. I’m an expert on historical serial killers, statistics, geographic profiling, graphology, and body language. My PhDs are in Mathematics, Chemistry and Engineering and I have Bas in Psychology, Sociology and, because I got bored, I’ll soon have a BA in Philosophy. Is there more to say? You said basic information, which is why I’m confused and undecided. Well, my mother says I’m so skinny because I drink too much cofee, which reminds me I have to get one before I get into the building. I hope I could help you with your vague task.’’
Der Doktor drang sich zu einem schmalen Lächeln durch bevor er auf dem Absatz umdrehte um im nächsten Augenblick sein ursprüngliches Ziel wieder in Angriff zu nehmen. Die letzten Worte der unbekannten Person, die offensichtlich amüsiert aufgrund seiner wahrheitsgemäßen Antwort war, veranlassten ihn dazu seine beherrschte Mimik für einen Moment entgleisen zu lassen.
,,Thank you very much, Dr. Reid. If our viewers want to know more about you they simply have to get to know you themselves.’’
Reid stand in der Tür des Cafés und musste einige Male im irritierten Schweigen blinzeln.
,,Wait.. Did she say viewers? And who wants to get to know me?’’

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Kalau grafolog beneran, dalam artian memang bidangnya dan ahli, bukan pseudo science kok. Tapi ya memang sebaiknya ga hanya di tes dengan 1 jenis alat tes saja, harus dilihat dari aspek2 lainnya. Ada pelatihan untuk memperoleh serfikasi sebagai grafolog ^^

Kamu ketuker antara Graphology dengan Graphanalysis. Bedanya kayak Astrologi dengan Astronomi. ?
Kalau grafolog beneran dalam artian memang bidangnya dan ahli bukan pseudo

if u could change a couple of subjects in school and exchange them with another different subject of ur choice, what would u choose?

Psychology , anthropology , art , English literature , history , global perspectives , politics , sociology , criminology , graphology , philosophy .
Liked by: ネオ M.alabdallah

16)هوايتك/ج؟ 17)لون بشرتك/ج؟ 18)لاعبك/ج المفضل؟ 13)كم خال عندك/ج؟ 14)كم خاله عندك/ج؟ 15)كم عم وكم عمه عدكم؟

هوايتي الكتابة شعر ونثر واكيد العشق graphology واقرا كتب مختلفة
حنطاوي ،، رونالدو✌️،، مابيه احسبهم ?

Om, om kan orangnya "hand writing" abis nih. Mau nanya dong, bener gak sih tulisan seseorang itu mencerminkan kepribadian?

Posisi saya menyangkut graphology adalah SKEPTIS, cenderung tidak percaya. Banyak ilmuwan memasukkan graphology sebagai "pseudoscience" (kasarnya, gak layak disebut "science"). Bahkan entry Wikipedia pun memasukkan faktor keraguan dunia ilmuwan tentang graphology. Bagi saya, graphology saat ini sama dengan astrologi dan baca garis tangan. Dengan kata lain: omong kosong, sampai ada bukti empiris tak terbantahkan yang membuktikan sebaliknya.
Om om kan orangnya hand writing abis nih Mau nanya dong bener gak sih tulisan

http://www.businessballs.com/graphologyhandwritinganalysis.htm Graphology is a tool used to figure out what someone's handwriting says about the person themselves. What does your handwriting say about you? :D

forumer friend
This was a bit challenging and I did study this for a bit, so I'm assuming this is what my handwriting says about me.
Usually my handwriting remains up right and that supposedly identifies independence. Although, sometimes I do have a right slant in my handwriting whether it's cursive, or if I'm writing someone's name on an art piece that I've currently drawn for them, and that's suppose to indicate a response to communication.
My handwriting is ultimately large. I can't write small to save my life. I mean I can, but you know what I mean. Large handwriting is suppose to indicate confidence and that the writer is outgoing, which I am to extinct if I know you. However, if I don't know you, I tend to be more distant and I will not approach you unless you approach me first. And it does say "this behavior might not be exhibited to strangers".
I do put a lot of pressure into my handwriting. (It's probably why I always run low on pencils because I put way too much pressure on them, so they tend to not last for too long. xD) But it does say "this indicates commitment and taking things seriously" and I do take things seriously as long as I am focused and interested. If I'm not, then I probably will not care and I'll just slack throughout the entire process. I don't think that I put too much pressure into my handwriting. It's just enough where I'm able to see it.
I do write pretty big and I also tend to put a lot of loops into my writing, especially if it's in cursive. "Tall upper strokes are reaching towards goals and ambitions or, if they are very extended, there may be unrealistic expectations of what the person feels they must achieve." I am looking to accomplish my goals in life and to just get to a point where I'm happy and content with what I'm doing. I don't have to be rich (although that would be fantastic), I just want to find something that I enjoying doing, and then achieve that goal, even if what I want to do may seem weird or far fetched to other people. I do like to dream big and I do think that I have an interesting imagination. Although, do have a tendency to over think at times and not put what's on my mind into writing.
My lower case writing is the same. I'm very loopy when it comes to my handwriting and I also put a lot of pressure into my handwriting. So this symbolizes that I'm an energetic individual and that I'm quite sensual hence my name Seductive Prince. Wink wink nudge nudge. BOOM! ;]
I don't think I have very wide spacing when it comes to writing, but I do think that I use just enough spacing to suffice. "Narrow spaces between words indicate a wish to be with others, but such writers may also crowd people and be intrusive, notably if the writing lacks finesse." At first I disagreed with this, but I thought about it. Even though I do like my space and I like to be alone sometimes, there are time were I do have a want to be around others. Heck we all get lonely!
I will be continuing this!

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Kaak, how's life as a IR student? What do you normaly do on a daily basis? Btw, i think you're awesome!!!

I have written something similar about the kind of environment I currently live in : http://ask.fm/beebau/answer/130973965517
but how do I spend my life?
well, as a person who self-claimed herself as a big-time nerd, I would spend my days keeping up with my chores. All sorts of chores, starting from house chores (paying this and that, assuring that we'd be having our electricity and internet running), my chores as a student (this paper, that presentation, this review, and others), my chores as a teaching assistant (recapitulation of score, reading students' papers, arranging field trips, and more), my chores on the organizations/events which I am committed to (basketball practice, music practice, assuring all events related matters had been cleared up) ... I guess that summed my life quite well. It's not all big and fancy, but i do enjoy living this routine based life where I had broken down all of my life into a one big agenda.
As a self-claimed nerd myself, I don't attend parties and don't subscribe to all sorts of highend lifestyle which I interpreted through my colleagues life (plus that kind of life required people who can afford high spending). My ideal weekend would be movies night off, sleepover at my girlfriends' kosan, lovely dinner with favorite people, karaoke with close friends, or perhaps I'd do window shopping on my own.
In university, weekend can either be the best days of your week or the busiest days in your week (most events are held on the weekend)
Well, mostly, I wanted to adhere myself towards a more academic life, where I feel highly represented and I could express myself better in this environment. Therefore, I only joined events/organizations which would help me further my life objectives and goals.
On my free time I read and watch things, I plan for future researches and write thousand of failed abstracts which I have not submitted yet, looking up for abroad opportunities which won't cost me anything, I also play basketball, I practice my graphology skill, I play classical piano and guitar, and put make up on faces (mostly my face, but sometimes I do other people upon request).
Sure, I rarely sleep, but I really don't mind, it's definitely the kind of life I wanted to be in :D I mean, if I weren't forged through hardship I won't become a good sword, ryyteee?

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Is psychology a science? (I'm expecting a straightforward or simple answer because I'm not really good at grasping a long but eloquent explanation, but feel free to elaborate) Thanks in advance.

Yes of course! We always introduce psychology as the science (or scientific study) of human mind and behaviour.

There's this salient effort too among psychologists to establish psychology as scientific as possible, e.g by challenging classic, established theories by redoing the experiments behind it or by establishing stricter requirement for hypotheses to be accepted

But, (yes even with the bias mind of mine I would admit it) some part of psychology is, in short, not scientific. Some of them are infalsifiable (can't be proven wrong).

Here is an example from the less scientific to the most scientific part of psychology :
Parapsychology - Psychoanalysis - Graphology - Social Psychology - Clinical Psychology - Neuropsychology
Hope it's simple yet concise enough :)

You have nice handwriting. Do you believe those people who claim they can tell personality traits of a person simply based on their handwriting?

Thank you. I don't think that's true, but I've also never heard of that before. All I've heard is that people with sloppy handwriting think faster which is why it's sloppy, because they're trying to keep up with their thought process or whatever. If that's the case, then I think slower. As for what you said, I'm not sure. I don't really see what kind of personality traits you can discover based on my handwriting to be honest. It's just.. Writing. Sometimes it's neat, sometimes it's sloppy. It varies. SO I GOOGLED it, an apparently people who write words and letters close together is intrusive and crowds others, which offends me but maybe I do that? Even though I always thought I wrote like that to save space and take up less lines. Apparently you can also determine if a person has schizophrenia and something else through their handwriting but I don't know how that's possible. Oh my gosh, graphology is the science of analyzing handwriting. THAT IS A THING.
So apparently over 5,000 personality traits can be discovered. So I'm on this website where you should write a sentence then read on so I mentally wrote the sentence because why write a sentence when I know how I write? So the first one is all "Large letters or small letters." I write small which according to this means I'm introverted(YES) and have strong focus and concentration. Then they asked about the slant, and I have no slant, I don't think which means I'm ruled by logic, nor emotion and that I'm very solid and pragmatic but I'm not sure if that's true. It then asked about the pressure and I write heavy which means I have strong emotions and feel things very intensely, I can also be quick to react. Okay some of this sounds like me so now I find this really interesting. There was a few others but this answer would be longer than what it is and it might bore you so never mind.

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Liked by: ☽☉☾ Lee Kiana

مساك جميل ي امل .. إلى الآن لم أفهم كيف تُفسر خطوط الأشخاص وتوضح شخصياتهم ! أفيديني عن هذا العلم رجاءً ...

مسائك أجمل عزيزتي ..
عُرف علم تحليل الشخصية عن طريق الكتابة اليدوية بعلم الجرافولوجي Graphology في اللغة الإنجليزية، ويقصد به الشكل المرسوم على الورق نتيجة تحريك اليد عليه.
ويعتبر علماء الجرافولوجي أن الخط عبارة عن قراءة للجهاز العصبي لدى الإنسان ويطلقون عليه (قراءة المخ) كما وأن الخط هو قراءة للجهاز الحركي على الورق.
الشخصية هي مجموعة الصفات الجسمية والعقلية والانفعالية التي تظهر في العلاقات الاجتماعية لفرد بعينه وتميزه عن غيره.
فيما يبحث علم الجرافولوجي؟ ويكشف ماذا؟
يستطيع علم الجرافولوجي أن يظهر العديد من السمات والصفات الشخصية للإنسان .
• النظام التمثيلي (بصري – سمعي – حسي)
• الحالة النفسية
• المزاج
• التجاوب العاطفي في المشاعر
• الطاقة العقلية
• أنماط التفكير
• الكفاءة الوظيفية
• الطاقة البدنية
• الدوافع والاحتياجات الجنسية والحسية
• التوجه نحو تحقيق الأهداف
• قوة الإنجازات
• المهارات القيادية والاجتماعية
• مهارات الاتصال الإنساني
• المخاوف والدفاعات
• المحفزات
• الخيال
• النزاهة والاستقامة والصدق
• المواهب والمهارات
• عادات العمل

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Om, gue sebagai mahasiswa psikologi tuh mau bilang kalo tes bakat pake sidik jari itu masih pseudoscience jadi tolonglah jangan pada percaya apalagi justru anak-anak psikologi yang malah mempromosiin pseudoscience. sayang bgt udh bayar kuliah, baca freud sampe montessori malah percaya ilmu kayak gt.

Pseudoscience aja udah terlalu generous. I think it's a straightforward quack.
Graphology masih mending dikit. Itu Pseudoscience buat gw. Dan gw masih tetep skeptis.

halo kak, kakak bisa baca garis ya? itu sama gak sih, dengan baca garis ttd? aku mau tanya dong kok, gimana cara yg paling dasar ngebaca karakteristik garis dan dan sifat orangnya? thx ya ka yoyaa :)

pertanyaan menarik.
hm,gtw ya, kalo yang ttd itu namanya graphology (study of handwriting)
ada teorinya. aku g bisa baca tanda tangan.rumit.hahaha
kalo aku sih lebih ke arah liat artwork ya.apalagi yang gayanya udah settle.biasanya suka gampang ditebak. pake feeling aja
. (HAYOO LOOOH yang karyanya wara wiri di TL,udah wa judge diam diam hqhq)
paling basic tuh garis. diatasnya ada shape,habis itu ada warna.
aku gtw gimana jelasinnya,tapi karakter tertentu bisa menghasilkan bentuk visual tertentu.
sama kaya maen Kokologi.
ini tuh kalo di senirupa belajar bahasa rupa ato nirmana deh kayanya.
anak dkv malah belajar ini di dkv dasar kalo g salah.
kamu kalo sering ngegambar,lama lama pasti peka.
kalo kata dosen aku dulu,
"hm kalian baru masuk studio ya..
semakin kesini,kalian akan semakin peka.
sekarang kalian ada berapa orang dikelas?10?
tapi mungkin kalo kalian udah tingkat akhir,
ada aja yang bilang kelasnya isinya lebih dari 10"
kadang gue bisa bedain karya yang dibikin cuma buat cari perhatian,sama yang emang bikinnya dari hati. Lines will never lie. Kadang ada artist askfm yang garisnya beda sama cara jawabnya.Intinya sih watak aslinya lebih terlihat dari karyanya sih.apalagi kalo ilustrasi,lbh gampang. bahkan lo bisa tau orangnya cenderung kidal,ambidexter ato normal.
yah gitu kira kira
agak gaib emang.

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terus kalo orang yang punya 3 cara menulis yang beda di kesehariannya gimana? soalnya tulisan tanganku suka berubah2 tergantung mood gitu :/

Kalau makin sering ganti tulisan biasanya tipe orang yang gampang ke 'pressure' sama situasi & kondisi, jadi sebenernya kalau berubah memang wajar, soalnya berubah pun pasti ada poin-poin kuat yang kebaca. Graphology memang biasanya dipake buat cari tau tendensi seberapa cepet karakteristik orang kepengaruh pressure sih kak.

Good evening, do you mind to post a pic of your signature? I'm currently trying to learn about graphology so maybe it will say one or two traits about you. Thank you!

Hi anon!
Aku sebenernya penasaran banget, but I'm not comfortable showing off my signature here on open social media. Maybe I can give you a link of a picture of it some day later? Thank you anyway! ^^

http://ask.fm/gladystic_28/answer/113999823927/photo/original kak aku br prtama stalk profile kakak.. Mau dong di read personalitynya via signature :) plis ya kaaakk btw I'm 96er and call you kak gpp ya :p

Hey, here's the deal guys. I receive like a lot of questions here asking for me to read your autograph. No, once I do it for you when you ask me to do it, everyone else will follow. No, I don't do it when someone asks me to do it. Graphology is a study for me — this is my research. Last Saturday I was the one who ASKED for autographs because I was doing a research. And I won't do it unless I ask for it.
I'm sorry, but some of you start sending me mails with your autograph attached in it while in fact I've never asked for it.

hai kak Gab, mau nanya dong, kata mama ku kalo tanda tangan itu berpengaruh sama masa depan gitu, misalkan gini kalo tanda tangan aku tarikan akhiran nya ke atas itu bakal ngebuat mudah jalan aku buat sukses nantinya. aku sih gak percaya. emang bener ya kak? atau cuma mitos?haha

Nggak, kalau tanda tangan mempengaruhi masa depan cuma mitos memang. Graphology is a basic forensic analysis to sense mood and personality; for example we use it to detect fear in the suspects, their characteristics and tendency to do criminals. Jadi sifatnya objektif karena parameternya waktu masa kini, bukan masa lalu atau masa depan.

Gab, kasih penjelasan dalam graphology untuk seseorang yang tanda tangannya curly banget dan yang clean banget dong. Ada kenalan dan mereka kembar gitu, tanda tangan yang satu curly banget dan yang satu clean banget, jadi kepo, heuhe.

togerd’s Profile PhotoNata R. Togerd
Aku bikin contoh aja kali ya kak.
Curly: @kevinakevini
Clean: @supersakid & @cessitaputri
Kalau curly rata-rata mereka people's person, outgoing, suka crowd, mati gaya kalau sendirian. Kalau kayak @kevinakevini tanda tangannya kan lebar-lebar ini lebih ke arah nentuin tingkat responsivitasnya. Kalau curly tapi bentuknya sempit biasanya outgoing tapi alter-ego nya suka sama solitude.
Kalau kayak @supersakid itu kan "clean" tegas, orangnya nggak neko-neko, nggak gampang percaya omongan orang, soft-hearted, self-reliant. Kalau kayak @cessitaputri "clean" simpel, orangnya punya daya imajinasi, bukan people's person, lebih nyaman sendirian, teliti, nggak suka ribut.

gab belajar graphology otodidak?di bandung, deket aku tinggal,ada lembaga yang ngajarin menelaah graphology loh.trus dr iklannya yg aku tangkep,dia slash les kepribadian gitu.gila juga ya impact handwriting.btw gue nanya dong,menurut lo ada ga garis yg pretensius?yang kaya gmn kl ada?

Hai, Kak Yoya! Iya aku otodidak sejak tau graphology dipakai di HRD. @azurasshi cerita dia pernah baca kak yoya lewat gambar juga ya?
Ada kak, mungkin sifatnya lebih ke arah suka "camouflage" kali ya? Ada tipe tanda tangan dan tulisan yang cenderung defensif. Kalau di publik dia lebih protektif tentang dirinya sendiri, dari lingkaran di awal tanda tangan. Biasanya mereka takut di-suspect akan motifnya. Yang tanda tangan tipe ini cenderung punya banyak lapisan karakter. Orang-orang yang sensitif biasanya tanda tangannya suka begini. Kalau di HRD, ini dianggep punya dua kepribadian, jadi suka dipanggil interview ulang. Salah satunya yang tanda tangannya agak 'pretentious' itu mungkin Anil Ambani.

Good evening, do you mind to post a pic of your signature? I'm currently trying to learn about graphology so maybe it will say one or two traits about you. Thank you!

Makasih untuk pertanyaannya, Gab.
Gue nyaris lupa dengan tanda tangan gue sendiri semenjak tinggal di Jepang, barusan baru jadi keinget lagi, oh iya, gitu. Di Jepang tanda tangannya pakai cap aja sih, ehe :']
Dan ini silahkan pap-nya~
Btw, aku abis stalk Instagram kamu setelah kamu follow (baru tau). Gambarnya keren-keren banget, jadi nambah artist favorite lagi, hehe.
Good evening do you mind to post a pic of your signature Im currently trying to

Good evening, do you mind to post a pic of your signature? I'm currently trying to learn about graphology so maybe it will say one or two traits about you. Thank you!

Oke, nanti kasih tau ya :)
Liked by: tamara p p moondust

Good evening, do you mind to post a pic of your signature? I'm currently trying to learn about graphology so maybe it will say one or two traits about you. Thank you!

Semoga anak gue nanti ga nemu akun ini terus memalsukan tanda tangan gue di rapornya.

Here you go :)

Shaiyanne..I've been doing graphology for a while now.ive tried it on people but I pretty much know their personality.if it's not too much to ask could not write your name on a piece of paper in your normal handwriting and probably 1/2 lines.id love to analyze for someone. Not being creepy :p

I'm so fascinated by graphology. :') wait I think I've got some shit I wrote. My names in the corner somewhere
ShaiyanneIve been doing graphology for a while nowive tried it on people but I

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