
52 people

50 posts


What is your lucky number or symbol?

Not “lucky” but meaningful… 3 (any sequence of 3s,) 111, pentagrams (both upright and inverted,) eight pointed star, Mjölnir, 🕉️, ☯️, ✡️, ♾️, I am very into symbology and numerology so I could go on.

Czy wierzysz w przepowiadanie przyszłości? miłego dnia ❤️

staringintheshade’s Profile Photo×Nie obchodzi Cię to
PL: Niby nie wierzę w żadne horoskopy, żadną numerologię czy inne astrologiczne g**na, ale jak wczoraj natrafiłam na artykuł o osobach urodzonych 26 sierpnia, to aż się zdziwiłam, że jest to tak trafne i tak dobrze opisuje mnie.
Nie wiem, czy to efekt horoskopowy, czy naprawdę ktoś, kto to pisał, doskonale zna się na gwiazdach, ale opis zgadzał się wręcz w stu procentach.
ENG: I don't believe in any horoscopes, numerology or other astrological sh**, but yesterday I came across an article about people born on August 26 and I was surprised that it was so accurate and it describes me so accurately.
I don't know if it's a horoscope effect or if the person who wrote it really knows the stars very well, but the description was 100% accurate.

What’s your hidden talent?

I'm good in zillion things lemme tell once again
I cook beyond good
Write good quote
Good in nature photography
Know Numerology ,palmistry
Can read astroligical chart
Vastu where room should be according to vastu, zodiac sign
Cleanliness freak
I paint good sun set, trees east things
Liked by: À L P H A

What conspiracy theory do you believe is true?

Have you ever heard of the famous Nibiru? It is a planet unknown to scientists, but some people claim that it will be responsible for the end of Earth. The theories combine astronomy, excerpts from the Bible, numerology and the Mayan calendar to predict when the two planets will collide! The last date set by followers of this idea was September 23, 2017. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the existence of Nibiru was affirmed in 1995 by the American Nancy Lieder, who says she has a communication channel with aliens, who would have alerted her about the Nibiru catastrophe.

Things that your an absolute pro at?

I am good in zillion things let me tell some of them
I cook beyond good like chef .
I know numerology in depth I can bring anyone's name on good number .
I am good in nature photography
I know crystal healing
I write good quotes
I am good in drawing , oil painting of flowers like sunflowers , water lily etc and in Islamic calligraphy
Fitness freak !! I walk 3 hours straight for staying fit
Liked by: John David

If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?

With me
I am best friend of mine I am most happy when I am with me
Try to be your best friend , spend time on your favourite activities, do wha you live ,enjoy maximum time with your self and lead happy prosperous life. Mohammed Ali Baloucch
I have ocd problem , I deep cleanse my room.i do dusting of my bed ,dressing table I put all perfumes on floor clean each and every bottle with vinegar tissue ,put it back on their place
Change bed sheet ,fold tshirt keep in clothing cupboard, hang button down shirt
Everything is on place .I enjoy in my gorgeous Eden
I read new e book numerology book which I just purchased
I watch fear files Indian horror drama based on real events and walk
I step in kitchen make stir fry chicken with favourite vegetable combination spices and with sauces Serve with rice
Evening I make bullet proof coffee Walk on terrace .walk in breat-taking view burn calories and look maximum good every passing day

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Liked by: Desdemona ZAKIR

What’s a talent you wish you had or that you’re working on?

I am blessed with zillion talents I don't need more
I cook beyond good like professional
I write good quote
I am good in photography
I know numerology , crystal healing
I am good in drawing, Islamic calligraphy and make good oil painting of flowers

Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?

I am good in zillion things, I do all things perfectly
I cook beyond good like professional chef
I am good in photography
I write good quote
I know numerology, I can bring anyone's name on good number
I know crystal healing
I am good in drawing and Islamic calligraphy

What’s a talent you wish you had or that you’re working on?

I am blessed with zillion talents , I don't need more
I cook beyond good like professional
I am good in photography
I write good quote
I know numerology I can bring anyone's name on good number !!
I am good in Islamic calligraphy, I paint flowers paintings like water lily , sun flower ,roses etc
I sing really well

What are the few things you write in your palm

I know palmistry and numerology let's do things which helps in abundance
I write 5 on small finger , the mount of mercury to enhence my communication skill
And 9 on the mount of jupiter ,the index finger to enhence mars energy for being active,aggression, reviving fighting spirit to achieve any target goal
What are the few things you write in your palm
Liked by: nemesis violet

Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?

I am good in zillion things I do all things perfectly
I cook beyond good like professional
2) I write good quote
3) I am good in nature photography
4) I am good in Islamic calligraphy and drawing
5) I know numerology I can bring anyone's name on good number
6) I know crystal healing
Liked by: Kallisti Shayan

Do you collect something if yes what do you collect?

I am obsessed with blue pottery cups I have many
I love picture frames ,thick chunky white candles I buy alot ,keep in clothing cupboard .use them wherever I feel like
I have 1500 + button shirts of 2011 to 2022 all are hanged in closet .
I love crystal I have many crystals
Numerology books of various writers

If you ever write book it will be about what

Mohammed Ali Baloucch recipes
Weight loss book
Juices book !!! which cure various diseases like ginger-cherry-mint juice is natural pain killer ,pineapple-mint-spinach juice cure migraine etc juice for hair growth, strong bone , for curing cancer, diabetes, juice for pimple ,glowing skin etc
Herbal teas book !!! which cure various diseases .I know about herbs so i will write book about herbal tea recipes which is for weight loss ,cure cancer ,diabetes, psoriasis, immunity etc
Numerology book !! After reading 25 numerology books I am super expert in numerology I will write a book on numerology ,tell more about numerology in depth

What do you do for good luck

I know numerology in depth so I thought to bring my name on good number
So I brought my name on 42 by adding CC its one of the best number in numerology
My group ,Facebook pages adds up to 42
Apart from this I wear gemstones for luck

What's your plan for Sunday ? Are you going somewhere like restaurant, shopping mall etc or no plan

Nothing I will go with the follow . let it become whatever it wants to
I started my day with : I step to Masjid for morning hike then I went for morning hike I came back home , sipped peach juice ,made pomegranate carrot banana salad
Went to Mcdonald for eating break fast ,enjoyed there
Watched favourite horror movie case 39
I deep cleansed my room I did dusting of my bed ,dressing table, put all perfumes bottles on floor clean each bottle with vinegar tissue put it back in their place
Enjoying my gorgeous Eden, reading numerology book , let me know numerology in more depth
In evening i will walk on terrace with cup of strong cardamom green coffee spread fragrance wherever I go
Walk in breath taking view burn calories look maximum good every passing day
Dinner : I will order Al fajr biryani for eating and watch horror movie cd in laptop .

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Liked by: Him

Thoughts on your self

I am narcist self obsessed my life revolves around me ,I do things what makes me happy
I am creative soul blessed with zillion talent ,I cook beyond good ,write good quote,vlogger,knew numerology in depth ,crystal healing , and good in nature photography 🙌
I am still exploring my hidden talent what I am good at 😃

What do you for good luck

I know numerology in depth so I thought to bring my name on good number
So everything have to be either on 42 4+2:6, 78 7+8:6 ,96 9+6:6 .
My name adds up to 42 , Facebook page adds up to 42 ,cell phone like 123 1+2+3:6 😎
Yeah 🙌🙌🙌

What are the few things you good at

I cook beyond good 2) I write my own quotes 3) I do nature photography 4) I know numerology I can bring anyone's name on good number 5) I know crystal healing 6) I know herbs benefits which herbs cure what
Liked by: Talha Moon SAAD

What are the 5 things you are good at

I am good in more than 5 things
I cook beyond good 2) I write good quotes 3) I am good in nature photography 4) juicing 5) I know numerology I can bring on anyone's name on good numbers 6) I know crystal healing 7) I know palmistry 8) I am good in Islamic calligraphy 🙂

What is the reason you choose sunshine name

6 is the best number in numerology if you know little bit numerology
So my name is on 33 number 3+3:6
Liked by: marieshah12

Which number is considered lucky in numerology

Umm 1 : 19,28
Umm 5: 23, 5 ,14
Umm 6 : 6,15,24
6 is best number among all .it's number of peace ,harmony ,luxury life style
Shahrukh Khan and Britney spears name adds up to 42 .you can see how successful they are

What are the two numbers in numerology considered bad

4 & 8
Either they see great success or great failure
No middle path for them
But 8/4 is number of business minded people ,they are hard working people so they will stay successful in life 😊

Heya. Do you believe in the numerology and zodiac signs that can predict your future? What's your opinion about those who say - Nah we cant be together, your zodiac sign is not compatible with mine? Ever had experience with a person like that? Regards.

Zodiac signs can tell certain things about a person, like some of their traits or way of thinking - sometimes its quite accurate - but I don't believe in predicting the future with the help of zodiac signs or numbers. Right when I started university, I had to make a research project and I choose to find out if the air zodiac signs (libra, gemini and aquarius) tend to choose to work or study in fields of communication more than other zodiac signs. We (me and my teammates) decided on this theme after seeing that there were a lot of air zodiac signs in our year and the description of zodiac signs indeed said that those under those signs tend to be drawn to such fields (we had someone that was quite interested in zodiac signs). And in the end we did find that people under the zodiac air signs are more interested in fields of communication than other zodiac signs. So I do believe that zodiac signs can describe us to a certain point.
But from there to predicting the future it's quite a long time.
I haven't met anyone that thought like that, that they can't be together because there's no compatibility between their zodiac signs. If someone told that to me I'll just accept it and leave them on their own.

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Heya Do you believe in the numerology and zodiac signs that can predict your

Heya. Do you believe in the numerology and zodiac signs that can predict your future? What's your opinion about those who say - Nah we cant be together, your zodiac sign is not compatible with mine? Ever had experience with a person like that? Regards.

I do believe in zodiac sign compatibility. I think it's been true to my own experiences. But I think it does not take into account same sex compatibility. For example, they say Scorpios and Pisces are compatible. I am a Scorpio but I find I am not compatible with Pisces men, yet my lover (who is a girl) is a Pisces and I am compatible with her. Similarly, I have had good experiences with female Pisces friends.

What’s the significance of using symbols and numbers in practicing magic?

It depends on the tradition or esoteric discipline - for example, certain forms may rely on numerology while others are primarily focused on symbolism in order to communicate, to influence or to distract. Understand, all "magic" is psychological warfare - for fun, folly, fame, fortune or formality. ?

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☀️🌡️☀️🌡️it's freakin hot here and u r sending me this 😩😫bruhhh

You seem like a lovely positive person that is awesome to hear :) Is there anything you are hoping to achieve next year?

(: Mags :)
Thank you so much for the compliment, Mags. 💟
I am achieving financial independence with my business and I am making new and great experiences that I can take much value from and that make my soul grow.
I am traveling more next year and I’m getting to know more beautiful and inspiring people.
I write inspiring books and make inspirational and thought-provoking videos on YouTube.
I‘m getting rid of everything that doesn‘t serve me anymore and would just pull me down.
I am my best and highest self.
I also downloaded a prosperity planner which helps me to face every month with the help of my life path number and my achievement number. Numerology is very fascinating to me.

Do you think people who work in scientific fields are less susceptible to magical thinking (belief in the paranormal, astrology, superstition etc.)? Why?

No, sadly, I've seen too many people with a scientific background dabbling in numerology and all that batty stuff. One of the doctors my mother visited even advised her to wear some ring and pray to some deity! As absurd as it sounds, this did indeed occur.
I've seen that people who've been raised to believe the supernatural, continue doing so despite their education. For all their scientific knowledge, they tend to compartmentalize their superstitious beliefs, and the facts actually known to them.

But I have heard that these signs like thw spiderman does these are magical signs these are demonic stuff the number 11 is also satanic becAuse in 11 there is 1 beside 1 this is numerology and through this people worship satan...there are no signs in our religion and they are haram and demonic

Nothing in this world is Harmful as long as you trust Allah and be pure.
All these symbols, numbers etc are just stupid things which kuffar follows, we muslim should refrain such things and stay away from it.
And Allah is our protector and Allah knows best

اليوم الموضوع عن الارقام الملائكية يلي ما بيعرف شو معناها يعني هيي ارقام ممكن تظهر بحياتنا متل 1:11 هي بكون الملاك الحارس عم يحاول يوصلك رسالة عن طريق الارقام حدا عندو فكرة عن هل موضوع ؟ و اذا اي شوفي ارقام ممكن تفيدنا بحياتنا غير رقم 1 يلي منرددو ع طول وقت يكون الواحد بضيقة مادية او نفسية نورنا

ال numerology من الغيبيات.
يعني شائع مثلاً انو الناس يتمنوا امنية بال 11:11، بس إذا تحققت ممكن تكون صدفة بحتة، ما فينك تعرف ابداً.
انا ببساطة ما بآمن بالملاك الحارس، ولا بهتم. إذا بدي شي رح اشتغل على حالي و اتعب و اوصل للي بدي يا، غير هيك لأ.
سئمنا الانتظار و التمني. ?

Wah kakak numerologinya kok bener banget sii @.@ like you even know me better than myself. Makasih kakak udah menyadarkan kelebihan kekurangan saya *lebae huahahaha. Lain kali ramal gratisan boleh ya kakaakkk ;)

shut up you brian. lebay.
wkakakakaka kaga mau ah ramal lo gak dpt profit gratisan muluuu hahaha
but thanks sudah jadi bahan eksperimen dr tarot, zodiak sampe numerology slama ini hahahahha 😂😂💩

hy kak .. ak hbs numerology n tarot ni ama kak felicia kawi .. orgny ramah n asik bgt.. semua yg d bacain kak feli ssuai bgt ama aku n kakak ini jg g pelit ngasih nasihat/saran yg positif .. g nyesel deh pkoknya .. recommended bgt pkoknya .. 😍

Thanks ya ly
Yuk, yang mau dibacain numerology dan tarot sama kak Feli, bisa hubungi LINE: karin.lightgivers
hy kak  ak hbs numerology n tarot ni ama kak felicia kawi  orgny ramah n asik

hallo kaak😊 Aku abis numerology sama tarot nih sama ka felicia. Awalnya iseng, mau percaya ga percaya. Tp yg dia bacain ke aku itu pas bgt dgn keadaan ku! Ramah! Bisa share juga. enak bgt diajak share💜Pencerahan luar biasa!! bikin buka pikiran bgt masukan dan sarannya. Tq ka felicia💞

Gretha Lysna
Naah, udah nyoba numerologi..asyik kan? Yg ga percaya tanya aja @Grethalysna nih yang udah pernah nyoba. Thanks ya Gretha!
Yang mau dibaca numerologi dan tarot sama kak Felicia, bisa info dan appointment lewat LINE: karin.lightgivers
hallo kaak Aku abis numerology sama tarot nih sama ka felicia Awalnya iseng mau

when youre grow up, study and research about islam relegion. and you will know the power of god. believe me :) you will go to the right path. and ofcourse go to heaven

I know a lot of about Islam. I was interested in this religion as well. But, I have my own beliefs. There is something hidden in all of religion. I like numerology science. There you can find a lot of about your self and your life path.
But thank you for suggestion :D
~ Katy

Language: English