Gut 😄 bin auch nicht sonderlich begagt in Leute beleidigen und verteile auch lieber Komplimente đŸ€—. Hab nur Visa und wenn das geht wirds bestimmt so sein â˜ș. Hab auch schon Kleider in Italien so bezahlt und danach wurde der Betrag in Franken abgezogen.

SimonHess’s Profile PhotoSimon
Mir geht’s da Ă€hnlich. Verteile auch liebe Komplimente, um eben positive Energie auszustrahlen. đŸ€—
Also ich habe einen Kunden aus England, da ist es ja € (so wie bei mir in DE auch) und ich nehme mal an, dass es da eben genauso ist. 😄
Und VISA geht, gerade nochmal geschaut. â˜ș
Dann gibt’s ja nichts mehr, was Dich davon abhĂ€lt, Dir ein Konto zu erstellen und meinen Account zu abonnieren. 😋😄
Freue mich mega darĂŒber!
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zy_cv’s Profile PhotoManu

So fear is the base of why we struggle

The seven deadly sins all find their roots in fear.
Pride is the fear that we are not as good as we ought to be, and we do everything in our power to justify ourselves in all that we do. We compete by trying to place ourselves above our competition. We seek to prove our excellence.
Envy is the fear that someone else has more than we have, or something that we really want to make our lives full as others seem to be.
Anger is the fear that others are not meeting our expectations of them, and we will be out of control.
Sloth is the fear that we cannot do something well enough, and so we put off starting it.
Greed or Avarice is the fear that we will not have enough and we want to get more, and more, and more.
Gluttony is the fear that we will not have enough food, and so we eat all we can get to make sure that we will not starve.
Lust is the fear that we will not be able to control the world in which we live, so we want to seize control now, whether it be possession of a person or grasping some sort of power.
Two great sins that are deadly, but not counted in the seven are Unforgiveness and Resentment. They seem to be the fear that something is not fair, and if we forgive we will only be hurt again by the one we need to forgive. As a result we continue to bear the burden of the other persons without being able to put them down and walk away. Forgiveness does not mean excuse and forget. It means to accept people as they are instead of as we think they ought to be.”

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What is the biggest waste of human potential??

The insane concept that if you don't work, your life has no meaning.
I wonder how many artists, writers, philosophers and poets we've missed out on, because people have to work in order to live.
In general, homo sapiens are the only species that has to PAY TO LIVE!!! How fcked up is that!!!!!
Everything we need is given to us by nature FOR FREE, but somehow we were conditioned to go to the supermarket and buy stuff for which we have to work (and we don’t even get the true value of our work, because the company is getting most of that) and we aren’t taught to grow food ourselves. Wtf..

What have you achieved today?

lnr87’s Profile Photospuʎ˄
I finished reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle đŸ€—
(I read more books than this; these are just the books I read via the “books” app)
What have you achieved today

Out of curiosity, when did you realise that you were polyamorous? đŸ€—

Curiosity is what we’re here for 😄
I discovered that having multiple committed relationships (polyamory) is a thing in August 2019 and it just clicked for me. I already felt attracted to other people while already being in a relationship, which always made me feel bad, like I was a bad girlfriend or something.
When I described my ideal way of relationships to someone they replied with “So you’re polyamorous?” like it was so obvious, but for me it wasn’t. 😂
After that I started researching, read “The Ethical Slut”, but didn’t get right into meeting other people, because I was in a mono relationship already and my then-boyfriend wasn’t too fond of the idea of me being with other people, but he acknowledged that it’s something that made sense for me. I let the whole topic slide for a while, until I picked it up again like 6 months ago. đŸ€—
If you’re curious about more things, you’re very welcome to ask â˜șïžđŸ’–

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