
Megan Beaumont

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Give me your facebook, twitter or snapchat and I'll tell you<3

My Facebook is Megan Jacqueline Beaumont
My snap chat is megannbeaumontt

What do you want to explore most?

I'd like to explore the Middle East a little bit more I have a child but haven't been every where I want and will be different to see what the other parts are like x
Liked by: Jessicaa ♡

If a man is in a club (over 18's) and he takes a girl home and sleeps with her, both willingly then later finds out she is under 18 but lied about her age. It get's taken to court. What should the outcome be? - Sorry if this doesn't make sense, it makes sense in my head :)

I don't think anything should happen to him! He had all rights to do what he did and it's the girls fault for being in the club and lying about her age! It sounds like something a girl would do these days though to be honest. She should have a ban from clubs/town
Liked by: Jessicaa ♡ J.

How long is your hair? (post a picture if possible) Have you ever cut your hair really short or had it really long? Do you like your hair? xx

My hair used to be under my boobs like quiet far under but I got it cutt to my shoulders to make it healthy again! It's now short to me but long to other people so I don't know haha x
Liked by: Jessicaa ♡

If you could have something named after you as a memorial what would you choose? (building, park, school, that kind of thing)

Erm this is an odd question but it would probably be a nice housing estate :') that's sad I know but that's where I spend my days :') or an airport or airline because I travel a lot
Liked by: Jessicaa ♡

Should a child be allowed a television in their bedroom? Why/why not?

I think yeah personally, I had one since I was a baby! Not because I have lazy parents but they used to both work till 5pm then come pick us all up and then clean, cook, bath us and need there time it got us straight to sleep we didn't sit up all night watching it! My children will and i think it's good for children to have that trust to go to sleep before it's too late!
Liked by: Jessicaa ♡ J.

What are the pros and cons to having internet access at home?

-can talk to my friends on other side of the world
-it's something to do when you're bored
-can interact with new people
-people are never off it and we speak through the internet from rooms
-we don't speak as a family
-can't get away from everything
Liked by: J.

Have you ever fallen for the wrong person? If so, what attracted you to that person?

First person- he treated me like a princess and then turned out to be a prick once I had fallen for him and me being me stayed in the relationship for 4 months and wasted and lost people because of him
Second- he seemed nice but turned out to be horrible lead you on ect the. Fuck off
Liked by: J.

Have you ever dedicated a song to somebody? If so what song and to whom did you dedicated it too ?

Balkis Azman
Do you mean is there a song I have that reminds me of a time with a person and it does that person too?

Who do you turn to for guidance?

No one because I don't trust anyone enough to tell them anything, I just look for someone around who's been in a similar situation and uses there's for guidance x
Liked by: J.

3 tv shows that are no longer aired that you wish would be back on television, and why?

-suit life of Zak&cody
-Gordie shore
-high 5

What is something you will never accept?

That I'm going to loose someone in my family one day and I'm scared of what's going to be like because I've never lost anyone like that before!

If you won a large amount of money, would it make you happier?

Maybe! It really all depends I wouldn't have the worries about money I do now! I could help my family want they wanted so that would make me happier but happiness isn't all about money in my eyes!

In your opinion, what would be the worst job and why?

Bin man! I hate touching my own bin let alone other peoples I don't know! It's smells and I hate getting dirty hands it's literally my worst nightmare!
Liked by: J.

1. If you were to create a charity, what would your cause be and why?

It would be to educate more people about certain syndromes!
It's pretty much because it took doctors and everyone in the hospitals ect 13 months to realise my little cousin had kabuki syndrome and they only found out because she went to Southampton hospital! Doctors need to be more educated so children can get the help needed!
Liked by: J.

2. What are your thoughts on the current generation of children (those born after 2000 to the present) in your country?

They are so rude and honestly need to learn some manners! There all stuck up and two faced and they need to have respect and stop pretending your all this shit and hard and it's not right to post "fights" all over Facebook and Facebook famous ect is a load of bullshit so pull your heads out your arse and see the real world! Sorry I hate my generation

3. If you had the chance to eat dinner with 3 famous celebrities or historical figures (alive or dead), who would you pick and why?

David beckham- he's an amazing man and done so much!
Prince William- he's not stuck up and seems "normal"
Cheryl come- she's hot as fuck

5. How would you describe your personality to a stranger?

It's honestly depends sometimes I can be shy mainly when it comes to girls but id say I'm shy and that I can be loud when I want to be, I have trust issues but I'm genuinely happy.
To boys it's would probably be I'm loud and out going and I can be a flirt at times, ill stick up for you pretty much ect

What is your view on the saying "Blue is for boys, pink is for girls?"

I think it's a load of shite, a colour is a colour! They should choose what they want when they are old enough and I think little boys look cute in pink! A colour is for all genders


Language: English