
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Well umm yeah we have out ups and downs but hey ho we get over them haha she's a right laugh and makes school funny! She's a babe and yeah I loves her ok


Well what can't I say about her?
She is just amazing ok and she has been there for me and I know I can trust her! She has kept everything I have told her to herself and she's a townie too Woop Woop! Town in Sunday and I loves her ok
Liked by: Beth x


Well she's my bestie do I need to say anything else?
She must be fab is she's my bestie so she's the bestest ok?
I love her and miss her lots and need to see her very soon she's been amazing friend !
Loves her
Liked by: Fredericka gray

Related users


She was like my first friend in Sheffield haha, not close anymore but she's a nice girl and helped me when I was new! She's just generally a nice girl


Well she's horrible ok!
No one likes her!
Ew I hate her!
Jokes she's fab ok?
She's one of my townies and we laugh all the time she is a good friend and I luvs her ok bye
Liked by: El x

opinions of beff freddy and ellie!"?dfke

I'm gonna now chill ya beens! Im busy so
It will take a while!

Do opinions for me too? Cos I'm just amazing like that..

Jessie carter
Cos you know your special yours can be first ;)
Your a really nice girl and have been there for me! Your fab at snap chats and we have a good laugh! Quiet often fine myself laughing at us ;) your doing an amazing job being a mummy and I will be here for you! P.s. you look
Liked by: Jessie carter

Asking people i follow a few random question: 1.How long have you been on ask? 2.Who was the first person you followed? 3.Have you ever liked anyone on ask.fm? 4.Do you have friends/people on ask.fm that you would want to meet in real life ?

1) for like a year :s
2)I think it was ben bench tbh
3)nope! Thought they was hot but nope
4)yeah there's like 2/3 people x

why have you and ellie even fell out she was talking about it in drama

Who is this I will tell you if I come off anon and it's sorted now anyways


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