
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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10 random confessions?

-I'm a bitch to most people
-I'm secretive from most people
-most things depend on my mood!
-I hate sharing a bed
-I hate mess
-I hide my emotions
-I'm awkward
-hate being same as people
-I go through fazes of speaking to loads of people then speaking to no one
-i won't let people know they hurt me

Choose two random people from your follow list and do a paragraph on them?

She's an amazing girl and she can always put a smile on my face no matter my mood! Has helped me and can give me advice, such a strong person! Feel I can trust her with everything, I will always be there for her, she's an amazing mummy to Tyler and she has beautiful angels looking after her! I care so much about her it's unreal! Love her lots x
She's such a nice girl, makes me laugh with her answers, her baby is beautiful and should pop up some time! She's beautiful and see the same ways she does at times x

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What's the worst lie you've ever told? Were you found out?

Ermm can't really say as have family on here :L and nope ahha x

What is your honest opinion on toddler beauty pageants?

I think they are horrible!
Every one of them are beautiful in there own ways and shouldn't be put in contests at such a young age, they should wait till they are old and see if they choose to go into one! Especially when you see little 4/5 year olds getting spray tans and caked in make its wrong x

Have you ever given money to charity? If so what charity was it and how much did you donate?

Yeah and I don't know what ever I'm given at the time x

What's the best thing you've ever done for someone else?

I don't even know :L I don't really remember things like that :p
Baby sat for people while they have gone out?

Do you remember the band busted? Did you like them?

Yesh I do and yesh always listened to them with my brother and was other week :L

What's your daily routine?

School days
-get up about 7ish
-get dressed
-go down stairs iron my shirt
-wait for Elise to knock on me
-walk to school
-go to school
- walk home
-check all my shit and then just speak to people
-wake up about 9ish
-get showered
-tidy my room
-walk to get bus to town with Beth and Ellie
-go peace gardens
-get star bucks
-come home
-wake up
-check my shit
Liked by: Beth x

5 facts about your best friend?

She's 14
Shes lived in Kuwait all her life other then this pasted year
She's beautiful
She's always been there for me
Only been bestfriends 4 years :))) x

Do you do any household chores?

No, I will clean house once a week if I can be bothered do my mum doesn't have to do it everyday because she's mad and seems to have to do a big clean everyday


Language: English