
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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What do you think about the people who go onto Jerry Springer, Jeremy Kyle & Trisha ect? Do you watch the show(s) often?

Watch Jeremy Kyle and think why the fuck would you sit your shit lives on TV and look like scum bags

Is there anything you do that a large amount of people might find 'weird'

I feed the less fortunate with me dad on the weekends? People my age find it weird x

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If you where able to have 30 seconds on Live television and it would be aired on every tv in the world, what would you say & why?

Ermm probably speak about kabuki syndrome, ask people to learn more about it and because no one really knows what it is or even that it around

If all crimes where legal for 24 hours, what would you do?

Probably rob shops and get everything I want and probably kill a few people

Chose something that you feel strongly about. Now imagine I don't agree/believe in that certain thing but I'm willing to listen to what you have to say about your chosen thing. Now tell me about your chosen thing & why I should change my mind :)

Abortion because it is just plain and utter murder, I've learn a baby's heart starts softly beating at 4 weeks and they start to get feelings ect at 8 weeks yet we can have an abortion up to 20 weeks, baby's can be born at that age and still live, it's just like me killing someone next to me just becuase I don't want them in my life x

8.) Do you think just about anyone should be allowed to recruit into the military or do you think there should be particular needs met?

I think as long as there in the right mind set and don't have anything like depression ect they should be aloud x

What traits do you look for in a partner?

-Be able to make me smile
-Not just be my partner but my best friend
-Can be around each other's friends
-not treat me like a piece of shit

10.) Have you ever been forced to be subjected to something your beliefs did NOT support?

I don't really have any beliefs :')

What is one news headline that has shocked you and/or grasped your attention? Why?

Probably last time I watch the news or looked at the paper was when that little boy was killed by his own mother, why? Because it's just disgusting and anyone who can do something like that isn't right in the head :)
Liked by: J.

Do you agree with products being tested on animals, why/why not?

I don't agree with it at all, why should they be made to have things tested on them when they have no say in it at all, they are living things and have just as many feelings as we do

Post a picture of one male celebrity/well known person you think is nice/good looking, write something about them?

He maybe old but he is fucking hot!
His children are already hot and he does do much for the people around him<3
Liked by: J.

Do you have unpopular opinions about the most random things? List them if you may.

Erm i don't think I do if I'm honest x

What certain chores/activities have you purposely procrastinating in order to avoid doing them right away?

I'm not to sure what this means sorry x

Describe the most frightening experience you've had?

Probably when we used to have the bomb alarms go off when I lived in Saudi x

What are you getting your mother/grand mother for mothers day? Have you already bought this? if you are a mother yourself, what would you like to receive?

I don't have a bloody clue the woman is impossible to buy for. I might get her some more candles, another charm, slippers and some new clothes but not to sure x

DRQ: Do you believe that Governments hide information and technology from the public? What do you think they hide?

Yeah of course they do, they only let us hear a little bit of what's actaully going on. I'm not sure what they hide but I know they do x

Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

No matter what your religion no one will agree on everything even if there beliefs are about love

Why do we think of others the most when they’re gone?

I think because we realise we won't see them again and they are gone, they meant something to you and especially if there family and have been in your life since born it's a change not to have them around


Language: English