
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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7. Opinion on bullies?

They are scums and need help!
Everyone says they are down in themselves so they put others down but if that's the case they wouldn't want others going through it!
Liked by: El x J.

5. describe love?

I honestly don't k ow what love is yet there is the love I have for my family that is never ending and I cant describe that but I have never had proper love yet
Liked by: El x J.

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Describe your dream wedding?

I don't know tbh I want a nice winter wedding in the snow with all my family there and a few friends! I want it big and it to be remembered but then again I want a summer wedding on the beach as long as all my family are there I don't care tbh x
Liked by: El x J.

Are you pro life or pro choice (for or against abortions), explain why

I'm against abortions! As long as its not going to put the mothers health at risk man up and have the kid! I know it's a hard thing to go through and in all means I would support someone throw it but if your big enough to have sex your big enough to have the responsibility! It can be done there are and have been a many in my family and they have done it and there's other people I know who have! If you don't want the baby put
Him/her up for adoption there are many people who can't have children and would love to have kids!
Liked by: J.

1) 10 facts about you?

1-I'm spoilt
2-I have friends all other the world
3- I used to have to bomb attack tests
4-went and seen one direction in april
5-im going to see one direction again in may
6-I had an amazing summer
7-in 5ft 5ish
8-I'm secretive from my family
9-I'm am awkward person at first
10- I love singing but I can't
Liked by: El x

2. why did you take the anonymous option off?

There was a cunt on here giving me hate soni thought before things got worse to turn it off for Abit x
Liked by: El x

4. what is the most challenging thing you've faced?

Not knowing if any of my family were going to meet a princess that was born into my family or living in Saudi arabia when the times were hard there x
Liked by: El x

11. if you could live anywhere, where would you live & why?

Dubai-see old friends from there, amazing life style, weather and look at it x
Liked by: El x

10) Best childhood memory?

being able to run wild be independent from about 4 just being on the compound with friends without adults x


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