
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Should the actions of young teenagers (aged 13-16) reflect mostly on them or their parents/other figures of authority who influenced them?

On themselves, were old enough to know what we are doing but then again there parents behaviour and how they were brought up will impact that so it's everyone in there life.

Has anyone ever said they wanted to be you/like you? If so, why? If not, who gives you most encouragement?

Yeah I've been told they want to be like me because my manners and maturity or something can't exactly remember!x

How easy do you trust people? Do they have to earn your trust, or do they have until proven they cannot be trusted?

I don't really trust anyone fully :/ Jessie is probably the person who I can test the most because she's been open with me as well. I find trusting hard x

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If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

How things ended in pervious things that happened x

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

Ermm I don't really download things onto my laptop plus I don't use my laptops I just use my phone x

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

Dubai! Want to go back there and lay by the pool in the sun, living the life!
Miss life over there!x

Is there a dish you always wanted to try?

I would love to try a few things but I'm so picky with food and hate trying new things but then I want to?

Which restaurants do you visit most frequently?

I don't really visit restaurants, I prefer just to pick then sit and eat a meal.

If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

I'd be my Daddy! I want to see what it's like having 3 demanding children, being the family driver, working, traveling for work a lot, doing the house shit and providing for us all and everything else!x

What was the last restaurant you went to?

Ermm I can't even remember last place I went big j's yesterday for a sandwich?

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

I try to be most of the time but no one is ever always happy, we all have out days/moments x

Are there any hereditary diseases in your family? What are they? xx

Not that I'm aware of a few have thyroid problems but that's about it x

What are things that make you happy no matter what?

-My family❤️
-going out (most of the time)
Don't really know to be honest ha x
Liked by: J.

What was the last gift you received? Who was it from?

Erm I get money every week off my parents? But other then that was on my birthday which was money and a laptop ect
Liked by: J.

Have you ever been in a controlling relationship? How did/would you deal with that? xx

Yeah I sure have, I stayed in it for a while till I thought enough was enough and just cut off all contact although it was hard x

Do you tend to speak to people of the same age group as you?

Erm there normally a year older or so I hate people my age! They are so immature it depends on there maturity level x
Liked by: J.

Do you have any role models? Who are they? xx

Yeah! I've always looked up to my grandad from being little, he never gives up and always carries on and has never left his family. He always makes sure everyone is okay and is still going at 73. He's still getting up ladders working, walking the dog, doing charity walks, gets on the floor and plays/crawls around with the little ones and is on need of a knee replacement! Most people would just wait till try get the operation to carry on but he still hasn't and he still goes to the gym! I love him❤️
Liked by: Kate..

Do you have any family pets or did you have any growing up?

Yeah! I've got these two an a Yorkshire terrier<3 I've always had a dog growing up and used to have a cat x
Liked by: J.


Language: English