
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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haven't done this in awhile , honest opinion on me:)? , ( sent too everybody i follow)<3.

Shannen!! You're a great girl and can have some good chats with you. You're beautiful and have an amazing personality. Skyped a few times and you do make me giggle, found you hard to understand :') Used to speak most days but don't really talk as much anymore :( pop up some time beautiful i love you x

What's your opinion on paranormal events? Do you believe in them? Have you had any experiences?

dont know what they are tbh x

If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, then why don't they fall though the floor? :S

Omg i dont even know thats so true

wot u done 2day

got woken up by Liam at 6 45
told him to fuck off went back to sleep till 7 30
got showered
came home
sat in bed with sophie sarah and jack
went to walk ellie home from school
went go the bus with them to sophies
waited at sophies
went to shop with sarah
went to sarahs
met sophie and jack
then met Liam and everyone else
chilled out
came home
now in bed

fuk u lil sket ur so fat your mumma gav u lipo suckon her self and then ad cancer then gave it t u and then u both died and evryone was happy:3

I would let you know something i have never had lipo suction or caner and neither has my mum.
NEVER say anything about my mum like that again say what you want about me but leave my mum out of it. my mum is a healthy living person so fuck off and don't joke about that.
Liked by: Fredericka gray


You seem lovely, Never spoken to you bcos scared to pop up to you. You're a good looking lad and seem like such an amazing dad. you're son is adorable :') should talk x


Never really spoken to you but you seem lovely and your little man is so cute. you're beautiful and we should talk some time. Love that your honest and just say it straight x


Jessie ✌️
Jessie you mean so much to much me, I don''t think you know how much you mean to me. We used to speak everyday and just have a laugh. Drifted away a little bit but can still come to you when ever and can trust you. you're one of my true friends and you have helped me so much. Had so many good chats and snap chats :') need to start speaking more again! you're one of the strongest people i know and i'm proud of you. I love you lots and am still here for you beautiful x
Liked by: Jessie ✌️


You're beautiful, there for me when i need you and i can trust you. You probably think i'm a freak after what i just told you ;) ;') You make me laugh at times and i am not so shy with you anymore (y) took its time. skyped you twice and find it hard to understand you but its fun and we should skype again soon. I love you and will always be here for you too x


Language: English