
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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If a talented artist were to paint a portrait of you, would you want it hung up in an art museum, or would you prefer it to adorn a wall of your house? Why?

I would prefer it to go into an art gallery I find it weird when people have a picture of them blown up on there wall. It's just strange in my opinion fair enough if they are with other people but by yourself I find it weird.

What name, usually given to the opposite sex, do you particularly love? It doesn’t have to be name you would give to your child.

Noah, Harry&Max. There's no partially reason they are just cute names on boys!

What eye colour are you drawn to, if any? Why?

I love bright blue eyes! There's no reason but they are beautiful and to me stand out, they like shine.

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Some believe that a birthmark symbolizes where/how you died in a past life. Do you or anyone you know have a birthmark somewhere for this theory to make sense?

I have never actually heard that people think there birth marks means something about there past life/how they died! I find that interesting! I don't think if does personally but everyone believes differently my birth mark is fade and loads of little bits with a gap between.

Imagine you’re a stranger and you’re meeting yourself (who you are right now) for the first time. What three adjectives would you use to describe yourself? Why?

Happy- I'm happy, the suns shinning and I feel summer is coming and that's just the best thing.
Paranoid-I'm constantly think about something thinking what if he is with her what if this and that
Tired-I am just generally tired and I'll but I'm up ready for work(y)

How would you describe your favorite color to someone who was blind?

It's bright, they are like the sea which is a clear colour, I don't know that's the best I could do it's a different question x

Are you annoyed with people who give sarcastic answers?

Balkis Azman
Some times if the question is easy to answer and is a proper question then yes why can't they just answer them but if it's jus lt aloud of shit then nope
Liked by: Balkis Azman

Do you collect anything? If so what do you collect? What is the weirdest collection you've ever seen wither it's in person or in a magazine?

Not really collect by I still a have every teddy I have been given and just can't let any of them go, weirdest collection has to be nail clippings that I have heard of.
Liked by: J.

What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take to ending poverty around the world?

No cars to be honest I think that's poverty :') haven't done that subject in 2 years :L there are way to many cars in this world!

How to know if you are a good person?

I love to the moon and back! I wouldn't know what to do without him in my life. He never fails to put a smile on my face, we may argue and sluts get in the way but I wouldn't let you go that easily! I love you

What are a few things you feel you're a 'natural' at doing?

Nothing to be honest! There's nothing I would say I'm overly good at there's things I enjoy but I don't think I'm good at x

Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?

A few close friends to be honest! I have friends in school but they aren't the people I go to I either go to my cousins/family as they are the best friends to have it Freddy or Cailin I can't be arsed with all the bitchess and shit from having fake friends to stuck to my family they honestly are the best friends to have x

What was / is your favorite subject in school? This could relate to your major or just what you enjoyed in high school. If you're in college, what was it about your set major that kept you wanting to learn more about it?

Child development! It's the only subject I turn up to every lesson! I'm hoping carry on this subject at college after next year! It's something that's always interested me and I have wanted to development my career into,

Do you have a favorite or lucky number? Why is it your favorite or how has it been lucky for you? Is there any particular reason why you're so tied to it?

I honestly don't have a clue why it's my lucky number but 2 has always been it since I can remember, every time someone has asked me I have always said 2 but that's for no reason at all.

What are some traditions you share with your significant other? If you're not in a relationship right now, what are some traditions you'd like to start with a future special someone?

In in a relationship currently but I honestly don't know what I would what to share traditionally with them and I don't really get the question about traditions we don't have any in my family.

What is your definition of perfect parents ?

Balkis Azman
There's no such thing! Everyone makes mistakes no matter how hard they try, being a good parent is
-listening to your children
-having time for them
-putting them before anyone else
-not leaving them with people all the time
-take care of them
-give them what they need
-making sure they are happy
Ect there's a lot to do as a parent
Liked by: Balkis Azman

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Tom Daley, Ed Sheeran, Cheryl Cole, the Queen&Prince William

What made your day today?

Nothing to be honest it's been so shit and it's just getting worse the more I speak to people

Should the colour white be the only colour for brides to get married in? Should the colour black be the only colour worn to funerals? Support your answer.

No not at all! White is just what people have worn to weddings for a long time but it's that persons day and they should be aloud to wear whatever colours they want to wear, for funerals i don't think they should wear black because that's what's "normal", personally I hate wearing black to funerals! I don't want anyone in black at mine! I want it to look happy and to celebrate my life not be in sad colours.

Which nationalities do you have in your family history? Can you say 'hello' in any languages of those nations? You can include colloquialism as well, such as "g'day", which is Australian.

British is the only one I know of, I have family around the world but they moved there but are from jersey. I can say hello in a few languages though x

How do you speak to yourself mentally? They say that you shouldn’t say something to yourself if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend. Do you think this is true?

I don't think that's true, I say most things to my bestfriend but some things just don't need to be said especially when it's about you putting yourself down or something like that, my best friend knows most things about me. People need there own space and life without others in it, we can't depend on others all the time


Language: English