
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Most human beings have gloomy facial expressions when they are surrounded by strangers, be it on a bus or on the street, passing by. Do you ever wonder what your facial expression looks like from aside in such situations? Do you ever look strangers in the eye or smile at them? Why / why not?

Where I come from/live it's just the polite thing to smile at people you walk past or see, on the bus I find it awkward so tend to avoid all eye contact with people and go on my phone or just look down. I do think about what I look like because I don't want people to think "another rude teenager" ect.

If you won big on the lottery what would be the first thing you did with it?

Jessie ✌️
To be honest probably a house/flat of my own and then buy my sisters flat for her so she doesn't have to worry about having a flat mate all the time with them in and out!

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What do you think about this missing plane thing?

Jessie ✌️
I honestly think the government have something to do with it! I haven't heard if anythings actually come out of it I got bored after a few weeks! If it was under sea how would the phones be ringing a few hours later? Why didn't they track down the phone signals? There's so many questions to this subject but one day hopefully the truth will come out of it.

opinion on me:)? sent too everybody i follow x

Your a lovely girl! We used to speak and skype a lot more then we do now! We hardly ever speak anymore which sucks! Need to start speaking again! I love you x

Do you fully support the government and their choices? &why?

Jessie ✌️
I don't really know a lot about the government so I can't say much there will be things I disagree with like them letting so many other nations in to our home places to do the jobs when our own citizens don't even have jobs x

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? What do you think you would have done or you will do?

Jessie ✌️
I'll be 20 and I will hopefully be with the person who I will spend the rest of my life with and hopefully I'll be in a job and my own place! I want to of started to think about having kids and of done a college course other then those things I'm not sure x

If you could change one thing about this world, only one though what would it be and why?

Jessie ✌️
Probably how unsafe people are! These days to many things are happening to people who haven't done jack shit wrong! People aren't feeling as safe as they were in there homes which isn't right and we need to change that d

Do you view suicide as a sin? Why / why not?

No I don't believe in sins and things like that! I honestly believe some suicide cases are a call for help but sadly they succeed before that happens and they feel that's the only way to go! Some people do it for the wrong reasons but we can't stop these people they will do it if they want too. For example over here in Jersey channel island we have a suicide group that has been formed after a young teenager took his like in summer and since then 2 others have gone and this group wants to be gone by the time there 21!

If you could find it how and when you would die, would you want to know? Why/why not?

Yeah I would! I find death interesting, I would look into how I was going to die in detail the date doesn't bother me but how I was going to would!
Liked by: J.

Do you think a baby is capable of love? What sort of love? When do feelings of love start in life?

Yes I do! I think love becomes a feeling when you feel safe and cared for! So that's what a baby feels by the people around him/her! I think there feelings are the same as ours x

What was your favourite fairytale as a kid? Is it still your favourite now?

I didn't have one if I'm honest! I didn't like watching all of that sort of stuff! All I wanted when I was little was a football kit and a football!

I know it's a touchy subject, do not feel like you have to answer... Are you pro life, or pro choice and why?

Jessie ✌️
I'm totally against abortion! It is murder in MY opinion, if you can't stand up and carry that baby don't be laying down and making that baby! Or carry that baby and put them up for adoption! There are people who have to live with not being able to have there own children everyday and would love to have that child!

What do you have too much of?

Teddy bears :3 I try clear them out but they all have a meaning and someone special has brought them for me x

In what areas are you intelligent? Are those areas interesting to you? Would you be interested in careers revolving around those areas?

Child development is about it to be honest, I have no interest in school so don't try as such, child development is the only thing I put all my effort into. I'm wanting to work with children as I grow up so yes I would certainly go into a career with that subject. If that wasn't an option I would be coming out of school with no GCSE's


Language: English