
Megan Beaumont

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song suggestions? trying too find new songs too download too my ipod , iv already downloaded - martin garrix ; animal , anymore?

You probably have all the songs i have x

Daily Question - Thoughts on attachment parenting?

Is that were the kid is always wanting its mum or dad only?
If so i think its wrong and the child should learn to be away from the parents and not be attacked to them, Like my little cousin who's 3 won't go to anyone in the family and only wants his mum because how she was with him.

Really random question: Do you believe people have a soul? Why do you believe that? :)

sound like an idiot but soul?

What is home for you? Is it a place? Or a person? Or maybe a feeling? ...When/where do YOU feel at home? xx

Home for me is when i'm happy there, feel comfortable in that place and where my family are.
Jersey is my home truly but i when i lived in Dubai and Saudi i called that home because i felt like it was.

Really Random question: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why would you change it? :)

i wish we could fly and bcos it would be easier to get to places

~sent to a few amazing peoples, I'm doing fansigns so if you would like one, send me a question with what you want written on yours/ if you want black or white, etc :) x x ~

Sent you one :) x

What is your daily 'get ready routine'? Do you wear makeup daily? If so, which brands? xx

School days:
-Wake up at like 7ish
-stay in bed till 7 30
-get a shower
-get dressed
-go down stairs
-go to school
-come home
-wait to pick Ellie up if its a monday,wednesday or friday
-then go to meet cailin, jack, william, liam and everyone else
-come home and sleep
(go to my nans 2 or 3 times a week)
-wake up around 10ish
-get out of bed at like 12ish
-get dressed
-do my hair
-my makeup
- go to meet the twats or go to my nans
-come home and sleep
i wear make up when i can be bothered
(sunday is just get out of bed and leave the house day so always in my pjs on a sunday)
Liked by: Kate..

Do you want children? If so, what gender and do you have names planned? xx

Yeah i do, I don't mind the gender as long as they are healthy
Names for a girl:
and a few others
My minds gone blank :L

Would you say making mistakes is an important part of life? xx

Yeah because without mistakes we wouldn't learn and our life's would be completely different.

Do you have feelings for anyone? If so, how do you deal with them? xx

Yeah i do, I told him and things are good, i think telling the person is best. i always have and will x

What is your opinion on teaching standards today? Can they be improved? xx

The way students and teachers talk to each other now i don't think is right, yeah we should be able to have a laugh with them but we shouldn't be best friends with them unless there's reasons for it. Neither do i think students should be aloud to swear at teachers or teachers swear at students, i think it's disrespectful and think that the way the schools is England and Jersey are should change and they should be more disciplined.

Have you ever travelled alone? Do you enjoy doing this or find it scary? xx

Yeah i have and it knew what to do as i have traveled the airports several times so i was a bit nervous but wasn't scared as such.


Language: English