
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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These days, many teenagers are in relationships just because they want to raise their self-esteem, not because they actually love the person they are with. Why, in your opinion, they choose to raise their self-esteem by having unnecessary relationships instead of raising it by other methods?

Some are in love and to be honest there's pressure these days to be with a boy, loose your virginity ect. I don't think it raises self-esteem in the relationships I've been in but I guess it depends on the person and they like the attention there given ect.

Thankyou xx

It's okay.
I feel really bad I have a bunch of questions to answer and send out but I am still quite poorly! I will answer them and send them out very soon hopefully.

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Can I have daily questions please x

Yeah sure!
-just to let everyone know I haven't sent them out today or yesterday because I'm quite poorly at the moment but when I'm awake and have a bit of energy I will!x
Liked by: Demure♡


I've Just tried to read the 50+ answers i have come back from school to and honestly enjoyed reading them. i will answer my questions later tonight IF i'm feeling better x

you guys should make a baby

I'm only 15, he's 18 so he would get done. I would rather live my life first then make sure I'm with the right person. I'll stick to babysitting for now thankyou.
Liked by: Liza Howe riah

ok i always misunderstand :D sry

It's okay haha :') there's more then one way to stop a baby crying it could just be they want attention or there nappy changed.
Liked by: Zaria Allison riah

oh ok sorry misunderstanding , so u did stop the baby crying :P ?

I have done yes, he's a baby and will cry whenever. I've looked after him and he's had a winge, I stopped him crying last night.

lol it's not about milk , it's about to stop the baby's cry lol

You asked if I breast feed :') that means it is about the milk?

aha cool , i thought u breastfeed this baby

Nope :') I would but he isn't mine not can I produce milk not being pregnant


Language: English