
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Be honest with me, what are 3 things that I have written on here that you don't agree with, why?

1) fathers not having a say in abortion: mainly because I don't agree with abortion but I think that baby is still that mans baby and he should be able to try and give that baby a life, I know it's the mother carrying the child but I still think they should.
I've just scrolled through your page and can't find anything else! Sorry.

Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?

My brother!
He wasn't the the best behaved but he was the the oldest sibling/family member I had around so I wanted to be just like him! We used to hang around with each other every night and he used to take me with him every where and I could tell him stuff...I miss being close with him!x

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If you knew tomorrow was your last day on earth, how would you spend your day?

With my whole family doing something nice, then go home and just spend it with my main family.

One piece of advise you wish someone had given you when you where younger?

Life will get harder, boys will come into you life and cause shit but keep going it will get better and don't waste your tears on them.

Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? Why/why not?

No, many of things could go wrong, I am being me there's no point changing me, all I need to do I a few things personally and I will be happy x

Sorry!She just looks a lot like Ayla. i think she was from somewhere in Maine && went missing last year poor girl </3 if u want u can look it up on google cos it was a really big search && should be there some where in the news

Oh rightt x

Thank u for the likes && questions!you're questions are really interesting!Sorry i'm not the best at giving answers!

It's fine and your answers are too!x

Is Ayla Reynolds ur background pic, or is tht someone else?Do u know if they ever found her?Poor darling='(

I don't have a clue who that is sorry, I don't even no what my background is I set it ages ago! And I only us my phone so can't see it x

How old do you think a child should be before they have their own pet? Do you think that the sense of responsibility as the role of an owner is good for them at an early age?

I would say once they show they are willing an able to look after a pet and it all depends on the pet they wanted and yeah I think it is good for the child to have that responsibly x
Liked by: Lord Green

Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? xx

I sure have!
I've been to:
Different parts of the uk
Thai land
Sri Lanka
And other places!
Liked by: Kate..

Can you cook? If so, what do you like to cook the most? xx

I can't cook! It's something I didn't need to do but now I do and really am going to start learning x
Liked by: Kate..

Ultimately, do you like yourself? Try to rate how much you respect yourself on a scale from 1 to 10.

I do have respect for myself I would say 9 for my respect! But honestly if don't like myself?

You have 24 hours left to live, how do you spend those 24 hours?

I would get all my family that mean something to me all in one place, fly my best friend over so I could see her one last time, then I would spend it with my mum, dad, brother and sister. I would have to fly my sister over too x

What song do you think best describes you? Whether its describing you, as a person or how you feel right now? And why?

You&I pretty much just got someone back :') it's all I can think of right now or
How long will I love you due to others x

What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done or that has happened to you?

Terrorist attack alarms! Honestly having to run to one room in the house that has bullet proof doors on and hide in the bathroom with your family in the dark is scary! This was when I lived in Saudi

Is hatred something you normally hold onto, or are you able to let it go?

I normally hate someone for a few months just realise there's no point, you may as well just dislike someone not hate them it's not a nice thing x

What things can money not buy? What things can only time earn?

A lot of other things too
You can only get trust by time


Language: English