
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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When do you believe life starts? (conception, birth etc)

I believe life begins as soon as the sperm gets into the egg and starts to grow! That's the reason I'm totally against abortion x

How do you find it easier to show support: by listening and providing a shoulder to lean and cry on, or by being practical and giving advice? Why? (Pick one or the other).

Probably given a shoulder to cry on and listen because I never really know what to say unless it's online.

What are your thoughts on smacking children for disciplinary purposes? What method of discipline do you think is most effective?

I don't agree with smacking children it's only okay if it's a little tap on the hand other wise the naughty step/chair or something taken away.

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Tell me your earliest memory?

Probably when I went to the swimming pool with my Aunty and was playing tag and I feel and cut the top of my foot open and still have the scar now. I cried my eyes out and it bled like mad.

What is something you once had a chance of doing, but missed out on it? Has that opportunity well and truly passed you by, or can you chase it down and do it a different way?

erm I never went on school trips when I had the chance because I wouldn't sleep out when I had the chance&i don't take the chance now because I'm shy and don't like being with people I don't know.

Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people?

Nope because it's not defiantly going to save a dozen people.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself either, I would feel so guilty

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you speak to yourself, how long would you remain friends with that person?

origamibirds’s Profile Phototea.
Probably not very long at all. I'm a bitch to myself and don't really have anything to be happy with my body ect so yano x

What was your first family pet? What was his/her name? Do you have a picture?

When I was born we had a
Bird- I don't know what it's name was
2 dogs- Shelly and Janie
3 cats- Chloe, jasper&smasher
I do somewhere but it's still in the boxes
Liked by: J.

If you were offered superpowers, which power/s would you NOT want? Why?

To be able to set things on fire- it's pointless why would you want to do that! I can do that without super powers!
I don't know if I would like to hear peoples thought- some could hurt and make me an mad person x

How do you handle criticism?

I don't really react like I don't take it in till later on that day and then think about it. It really depends what criticism is. Some can get me down other just I don't have a care in the world about like if it's about school.

Do you change your personality depending on who you’re with? Why/why not, do you think?

I do if I'm 100% honest
When I'm around adults I will be the polite&mature person and be myself if that's what you want to call it
When I'm with one group of friends I'm a cocky little bitch which isn't a good thing..
And when I with the others I'm childish but still have my manners ect
I'm working on being myself all the time but it's hard!

What is something you wish you had a talent for? What would you do with such a talent?

I try to draw all the time but it's just something I'm really not goo at haha :')
Painting is just fun haha :') it's something I can do just not the best ability
And singing I always sing yet I can't sing to save my life and it makes me happy!

What books do you plan to read?

Erm none!
I have dyslexia and honestly hate reading nothing I read makes sense or actually takes in, I do enjoy it but I just suck at it so don't do it.
Liked by: Kate..

How many games do you have on your phone?

I only have 2 as I find having loads of games/apps annoying!
-flappy bird
-subway sufers

"love is blind" - what's your view/take on this quote?

I honestly don't know how to answer this been thinking since you sent it.
Don't know if I like my hair this colour!
Liked by: J. Dariusstreet

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Erm I will be 25 so I will want to:
-have my own house
-have at least 2 children
-have a partner
Liked by: J.

What's your favourite type of coffee?

I hate coffee! I've never actaully drunk if but the smell just puts me off! Tea is all I drink!x
Liked by: J.

What or who is your biggest source of inspiration?

This man below! Like he was 70 in that picture perfectly soba crawling around the floor after my little cousin! That's what you call an amazing grandad with bad knees and back doing that just to keep his grandchildren happy. He's never given up! As hard as things have gotten he keeps going and has a smile on his face! We was down on the floor playing with my little cousin last week at 72 waiting for a knee replacement! Still getting up trees to do what he loves! Like honestly all he cares about is people around him! He's well known in Jersey and I can't go out with him with out stopping every 10 steps to speak to someone he knows! He still does l the fairs and everything over here! He's never left my side and no matter what happens I know I could go to him for a chat! I love you Grandad❤️

Do you wear makeup? If so, what do you wear and which brands? Xx

Na I'm not into that my skins bad enough without clogging up my paws! I do when I'm going to a party but I honestly can't be bothered!
Liked by: Kate.. J.


Language: English