
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Have you ever taken your own advice?

Nope, sometimes I think I should start! I always find myself in the same situation as the person I'm advising and then tell them what I think and I do the complete opposite and it's not the right thing

How strong is your imagination?

When it come to things at school withy work I have no imagination but outside of school I have one that's quiet big and can make some weird things up :')

Are you a curious person, or do you prefer to mind your own business? Why?

Minding my own business! It's so much easier, you don't need to know about other peoples life's, just focus on your own unless that person comes to you to talk about that certain thing x

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What kind of people are you afraid to associate with the most?

Balkis Azman
I don't think it's that I'm afraid of being with them I'm just more sensible and mature then hang around with people who are going to get me in trouble with the police/parents, it would make my home life hard if I started to hang around with people who got me to do things that cause trouble. My parents have me on a straight line to be well behaved.
Liked by: Balkis Azman

Who are you?

I'm coming off this website, I have a relationship to focus on and have just lost someone in my family, idk if I'll be back but I need to leave for abit,

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

This baby waking me up at 2am is just not allowed! Loosing the will to live

Is there any course/courses you wished you had chosen at college, school etc instead of what you did? If so what?

Jessie ✌️
I wish I didn't do ICT as I already have that gcse with a b grade and since redoing it at this school I truly hate the subject and it's hard to get me there. I also don't enjoy photography it's a lot of work and I'm never anywhere to take pictures I thought it was going to be easy but I'm doing well for not liking it with a B at the moment, I would much preferred to of done Dance, business or health and social care!

There has been a zombie apocalypse, there is a zombie getting ready to attack you. The only object you have to fight back with is the first thing to hand on your left, what is it? Pap? How screwed are you..

Jessie ✌️
Very screwed...I somehow do t think that would do anything to help me or injure the zombie lets so I have no chance!

If you was about to die and could make just one phone call before you died, who would it be to? And what would you say?

Jessie ✌️
If I was about to die my family would be around me so I would say my bestfriend with her being ages away she wouldn't be there do id just tell her how much she means to me and how amazing she is and that I'll always love her x

In your opinion, can medication have a negative effect on a person's intellectual abilities? Why / why not?

Yeah I think it can, it depends on the person I guess and what medicine it is and what it's treating. It's meant to be a good thing but I guess it can do things to your insides.

A person's eyes are the windows to their soul. Do you agree with this statement? Why / why not?

Yeah I guess so you can tell a lot from people's eyes, they show how someone's feeling and emotions.

I'm 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant and haven't got a bump yet. When did you start to get your bump?

Awkward you can't find out at three days and I haven't been pregnant


I'm honestly so sorry with how boring my page is at the moment and I'm not sending out questions wahhhh
I'm going throw a bit at the minute but I'll be back as to my self as soon as I can and I'll try answering my questions.
Liked by: jasmine mommy of 2

What's something that you would never wear?

Share this please!
-spreading awareness of kabuki syndrome-
Love you girl x
Liked by: Blah

What do you see your followers as? e.g. your source of idea,,silent readers,,fans,,random people,, just some annoying brat or what?

Balkis Azman
Silent readers becuase I don't have a clue who the 150 who follow me are o.O
Liked by: Balkis Azman


Language: English