
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Is there something that people consistently ask for your advice on? What is it?

Yeah, relationships for some reason :L mine always end
and personal things x

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Do you want to change your nationality? If yes what nationality would you choose?

Nope im happy the nationality i am

What is love?

Something that feels amazing when things are going well with that person but then when things take a turn it is so bad argh

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

Working in quicksilver in Jersey there is never anyone in there

When was the last time you astonished yourself?

Don't know what this means so going to use it to write a paragraph....
Literally its been a whole year and 7 months since i seen these girls and I have lived in 2 other places since and still haven't found friends as good as these. They made my life amazing and i still miss every single one of them to this day. They kept me happy, made sure i was okay and we had jokes that no one understands to this day. They were true friends and we can go months without speaking but pick right back up it crazy. I can still trust everyone of them and i will one day travel to where ever they maybe in the world to see them. Its hard to miss friends like them and i wish i was still with them all. Love you Muffins x
Liked by: Fredericka gray

What’s your most urgent priority for the rest of the year?

To keep my head screwed on at school and not get involved with whats going on at the moment as hard as it is.

don't want to sound like a beg , but i have uploaded 3 pictures & i don't know what one i should get for my party for Halloween , could you help me pick what one you think i would suit by liking it:)? thanks x ( send too everybody i follow)

I have done x

What do you usually forget?

To remind people to do things
To close my window when i leave so my room is so cold
To revise
So on im forgetful okay
Liked by: Reem

If you invented a monster what would you call it? What would it look like? :P

it would just look like it wanted to that day, if could change depending on its mood

if you had to change your name , what would you change it to?

Umm i don't know something not so popular but i would keep my middle name as it has meaning and then have my last name as moyse beaumont

Have you ever SCREAMED at someone? (What did they do?)

Yeah :L when i was in Sheffield in school i screamed in some chavs face because he told me to move so i turned round and screamed no its excuse me and he told me to fuck off :L

What’s the WORST piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

to not listen to my mum and dad.
At the end of the day i have respect and no my mum and dad only want the best for me and will lead me to that place till i can make my own path.


Language: English