
Megan Beaumont

Ask @MeganBeaumont99

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Do you have any scars? Where are they and what are they from? Sorry if it is too personal. Xx

Yeah I sure do! I have a lamp on the top on my foot which Is a scar (it's a lump because as a little child I had problems with my skin healing to fast) which was from falling out at a swimming pool
-another in my arm from playing tennis and walking by the fence and get a huge scar on my arm -.-
-I have lots on my hands from when I had a kitten and dropping a glass on it -.-
Erm I have a few other but they just appeared
Liked by: Ciara Kate.. J.

Do you think that any kind of afterlife exists?

I do but i don't! Like I honestly have days were I'm all for it and days where I think it's aloud of shite so I'm not sure :')
Liked by: J.

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What is the reason for the light inside of your fridge?

I've been looking. At this for the last day and I still haven't figured it out! Like honestly what is the point of it?!
Liked by: J.

Should a relationship be between two people or should others (friends&family ect) be allowed a say in it to? Why/why not?

Honestly I don't think anyone should get involved unless they have proof of whatever they feel the need to get involved about! Obviously it's hard to see a friend upset and not say anything but it makes things worse 9 times out of 10. Fair enough if parents get involved if one of the people are say 13 and other is 20 or something then fair enough that's fine but other then those reason then nope it should be between 2 people x
Liked by: Kate.. J.

Describe your ideal wedding day?

If I'm completely honest I've never thought about it! Not even the type of dress! As a little girl I never wanted to get married especially in a dress because the only thing that I would wear were football kits. Even to my mum and dad's renewal of their voles I kicked up a huge fuss about having to have a dress on and my hair done this was about 5/6 years ago so all I know is I want all my family there and my dad will be walking me down then ale and if my grandads still around I would like to have him doing something special!x
Liked by: Fuck J.

Do you think everyone matures/grows up or do we just get older?

I think we mature/grow up because there's people my age who still act about 4 years old! My brother doesn't act 21 he acts like he's about 17! Do I think everyone matures just at different speeds x
Liked by: Fuck J.

Childrens 'beauty' pageants, what's your views on them?

I think they are disgusting! Putting that much make up on a little girl which makes them look ugly! They then turn into brats. If they want to when they are old enough to decided for themselves then okay fair enough! But they also they grow up too fast! Give the little girls a chance to be themselves and little just to play and get dirty!

How has your day been so far?

I actually had a pretty good day! I spent it in bed though with the 4 idiots! We just chilled all day went for breakfast before hand. Played on ps3 and then just spent time together :3
Liked by: J.

5 important things that have happened that have made you into who you are today?

-Traveling-it made me grow up quicker and has shown me how to do certain things
-Moving schools 7/8 times- I can make friends easily and am confident when I need to be to make friends ect but then I can be very shy
I can't think of anything my minds gone completely!
Liked by: J. Kate..

What makes you jealous the most?

To be honest I'm quite a jealous person!
-When I'm with a boy and another girl speaks to him I hate it
-I'm a daddy's girl and he's always away in England for work but spends it with my sister instead.
-the kids that don't come to school or be little twats yet are the ones to leave with the best grades yet I go most days and have shite grades
-people are always with my grandad because he's mine
Ect. There's a lot more
Liked by: Kate.. J.

Use this space to write anything you want.

Moving home was literally the best thing that has happened to me! I haven't been this happy for a while! Being back with my whole family is the best thing! It's made me realise I don't need all the friends i used to think I did because since moving here I've been through so much drama shit with "friends" and the best friends to have in my life are my cousins! We may get on each other's tits but they don't walk out your life or just be a wanker. Seeing my little cousins progress is amazing! I never remembered life with the family but I'm happy I am now! I wouldn't change the rest of my life though it has given me the best experiences of traveling and everything else we did out with middle each for those years! :)
Liked by: Kate.. J.

Toughest decision you've had to make?

When I had to pick what dog I wanted when I was little when I was just randomly taken to the pet shop!
What school I really wanted to go to and the my GCSE options I had been traveling for over 24 hours and got off the boat and taken straight to the school to choose!&if I really wanted to move to Jersey..
Liked by: J. Kate..

What's your favourite chocolate bar?

I don't know :/ I have to be in the mood for chocolate, I don't really eat it x

What clothes do you like to wear? Are you girly? xx

I generally just wear my skinny jeans and just a top, I wouldn't say girly but this is the type of things I wear x
Liked by: Kate.. J.

I just see that you actually ask questions (unlike most people that do follow me) and I like to get questions lol.

I'm following you x


You sent me this yesterday and I honestly felt sick! How you can send this around I don't know. I hope you never have children yourself! Jessie is an amazing mother and does it look like she needs this right now! You need some sort of help becuase no one in the right mind would say something like this! Send me something like this again and I will be blocking you ect.

3 laws you would change, if you could?

Gay marriages- they are still human and are the same as everyone else! No one can be straight for sure one day we may fall in love with a girl we can't say we won't. They should have the same rights as us!
How long pedophiles/rapists ect go to jail for- I honestly don't think they get enough done to them for what they do to other people! It's horrible, they don't even deserve prison they should just be off this place
The age on a job- I honestly think we should be able to go out for work at a younger age! I would love to be out having a part time job earning my own money and buy what I want and things for others and stop having to rely on my mum and dad


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