
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

I wouldn't really close down any just because I don't like their food, that'd be fairly selfish. I would close down restaurants etc. whose staff/facilities/food isn't hygienic.

What is the last thing you said to someone?

I got up really close to them,
Leaned into their ear,
Waited for a few seconds then softly yet lustfully exclaimed 'I need about tree fiddy'.

How do successful people differ from unsuccessful ones?

Successful people are resourceful, confident, determined and ambitious with the addition of luck. Unsuccessful people don't have these things.

You're actually very attractive, just putting that out there. Different anon here :p

You're all blind :P
Who is this? :)

No dude seriously, whenever I see pictures of you I get taken aback because I forget how breathtakingly handsome you are. No word of a lie.

Hahahaha you're gas anon.
I just imagine you like this.
I don't believe you though :P

What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

Will the neighbour ever shut up with the chainsaw.

What is the most played song in your music library?

Probably On The Backs Of Angels by Dream Theater

Describe what a good friend means to you?

Being there for you through thick and thin, caring about your problems or at the very least feigning interest.


Language: English