
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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Do you consider yourself attractive? Be honest...

Yeah I think I'm moderately attractive in my own way. There are negative 'ugly' aspects to me that I wouldn't call attractive but there are really good aspects of myself which I'm proud of.

What's your reaction to the words "We need to talk.."?

Pretty much heart attack followed by death.
Nothing good ever comes after 'we need to talk..'.

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On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

Probably a 2. Although at 3am coming up the stairs it's about a 5.

Yes, I am being the annoying little ahole I am, but I'm doing honesty night, opinions and hot or not etc. so ask me anything, pretty much nothing's off limits. Anon or not, it doesn't matter.

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
You're never an ass shhh B)

QOTD2: Do you want to be/like being verified on here and why?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
Nah I really don't care haha
I just use ask.fm for people to ask me questions about myself and for annoying Sroon.

I haven't sent questions in ages so I'm going to send a few. QOTD1: How do you cope with hate on here?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I generally don't get hate on here; if I did though I'd just block the person and delete the question.

Bored af so I'm doing honesty night where all questions will be answered and all honestly, hot or nots, send me a word and I'll give you a song that reminds me of it, and question for question if you're not on anon. Hope you're all doing well, my lovelies! <3

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I'm great! How are you man?

What scientific fact do you love?

I couldn't sincerely pick just one so here are a few.
1. Contained in the infinite non-repeating string of digits in pi, when translated into language, is the name of every place you will visit, every one you will love/hate/meet, every thing you will ever encounter and everything you will never encounter.
2. The universe is seemingly infinite, so based on that, if you travel far enough you will find an exact replica of yourself living in an exact replica world, in an exact replica universe.
3. Your eyes and every part of your body is made up of materials that were borne and created by exploding stars. You are the universe experiencing itself.
4. Maths is a fundamental part of the universe, it is found everywhere. The fibonacci sequence, Phi and the golden spiral are found everywhere. The angle of blooming flower petals do so in accordance with the golden spiral, the dimensions of facial features are arranged in varying amounts according to Phi. Etc.

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Going to do question for question tonight so for every question someone asks me off anon, I'll ask them a question. I'm also answering every question I get. I hope you're all having a great day. <3 Answer this by pap if you want. <3

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
When the music on point
Liked by: sigh


Language: English