
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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Best memory from a relationship?

Myself and Sarune's second date was one of the best days of my life. We went to Captain America's then we went to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off in Fitz Park with a blanket and a cushion and we drank tea and coffee and yassssssss

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Is there a song that reminds you of a specific person that you never really expected to associate a song with? What is it?

Fucked With A Knife - Someone <3

What's your opinion on abortions? Are you for or against them and why?

No need, we've got plenty of coathangers

Why did the pussy cross the road To get aids

I'm so sorry, maybe tell your previous partners about your HIV

Indirect someone you like and someone you dislike

I feel like I'd be happier if you got anally fisted by Wolverine.
Youre the gr9est.
Liked by: Julia

Most beautiful place you've ever been to and would like to re-visit?

Tbh I really love my hometown. It's such a beautiful place.

Ah here I'm bawling, thank you so much. I can't even put into words how amazing that was. I'm gonna give you so many hugs awhh ily💕

Yasssssssssss ily. I'm glad it made you feel good! It's very incoherent but I think you get the general picture.

whats your opinion on people who cheat?

I'm not going to say there's absolutely no scenario in which cheating is not justified, because that would be silly and narrow minded. However in the vast majority of situations it's a horrible and monstrous thing to do to someone. One of the scenarios in which I think it could possibly be justified is if you were in an abusive relationship where you feared for your life if you were to break up with them. But this is an extremely unlikely scenario. There's an array of different opinions on why people cheat but my personal belief is that subconsciously the cheater doesn't really love the victim, the victim is only a temporary tool for happiness and the cheater has found a new more effective tool for happiness, and thus weighs cheating above maintaining the relationship. But the cheater changes their mind at some point and tries their best to cover their skin. This opinion could change through time but that's what I hold to be true at the present anyway.
tl;dr Don't do it fam. Cheating is wrong and I'll smack you with a pie.

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I just noticed that you stole my aggressive indifference answer 💔

I didn't even notice my bad xD

Gis a h'o buddy xo

I'm a lazy git and I always procrastinate but I'm doing it now and that's what matters!
You're honestly such a fab person and I tend to see you as more of my little sister than one of my friends bc you feel like family. Idk if that's weird of me to say but yeah. You're so so smart and I wish you would see that because you're a diamond in the rough. I sincerely feel like you could change the world if you put your mind to it and you just need that extra push. You're super kind and caring too, most people let their experiences change them for the worse (like myself, I'm a fucking mess) but not you. You still have just as much of a caring, pragmatic, kind nature as you did when we first started talking. I still remember our first conversation lol. (I linked you Space Dementia by Muse and you said it sounded really liquid). I hope you know that I'll always be just a chat away if you ever feel down etc. Just send me an aul message and we can get coffee whenever. Although we may have drifted, I'd still consider you to be one of my best friends. This was really cluttered and non linear so you get a gold medal if you can follow what I'm saying xD Anyway, basically you're a really great person and I'll always be your friend. Ily <3

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