
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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What do you find attractive in girls, appearance wise?

I honestly think looks aren't as important as personality but if I was to be really picky...
Big eyes,
Confident stature.
Kind of shy.
Wearing a band shirt.

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Do you have a crush on anyone? what's your favourite pokemon? Do you like despicable me? favourite disney movie? Do you like carrots? P.S. your hat is cute and so is your face okay bye

Kind of but at the same time no xD
Haven't seen it.
I couldn't honestly pick :) pretty much most of the ones from the late 90's / early noughties
Yes :D
Thank you :)

I'll fucken fight you - Glynn *Note: You have invoked the wrath of Glynn, beware.

You are now seeing my angry face. You best back down son.

Just wanted to let you know you're gorgeous and even if you feel at your lowest I will always be here for you, js, you're a great guy and just know, you'll atleast have some people to support you x

Thank youuu :)


Language: English