
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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Will robots replace humans?

Eventually, but if you believe in asimovs three laws of robotics then they won't be able to harm us...

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Bungee jumping, play a schecter guitar(getting one for Christmas :D), Dark Venom. :D

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Which brand products do you use most frequently?

ESP guitars, lynx deodorant, fish deodorant and shampoo, golden vale milk, BRENNAN'S BREAD.

If i try really hard could I eat a Skateboard and poop it out as a squirrel?

Nope only works with longboards, I tried :(

would you join my zombie apocalypse preparation group:)

Sure thing! Now all I need is a belt... IMMA WOOP THEM ZOMBIES WITH MAH BELT... Gun? AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!!!!!

How did you die!

Niamh -_- Well you see a girl called Niamh thought I dropped her on her head so she stabbed me with her pointy nails

What makes a person “good”?

Very subjective, basically IMO, someone who is selfless, non-materialistic and deep


Language: English