
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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Guiney I've known you for ages and your the furthest thing from sexist.Or mean to anyone tbh lol

Thank you very much anon!
Glad someone sees it xD
Joking about periods doesn't make you sexist any more than joking about the holocaust makes you a nazi.

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Ok, that cheese one is ridiculous. How does that, in any context make sense. It's like saying "I make holocaust jokes. Does that mean I'm a jew?"

No you're a butthurt anon.
That was also a hyperbole. Keep practicing anon, I'm sure you'll recognise them in time.
Also notice how I used the rule of three?

dude, women* make period jokes a lot. I haven't seen anyone get offended over that, you should stop making assumptions and jumping to conclusions

Yeah jeez. Anon must be on their period.

So, what, you think it's ok to make a joke of women? Typical.

I think it's okay to make a joke of anything.
I make holocaust jokes. Does that mean I'm a nazi?
I make 9/11 jokes. Does that mean I'm a terrorist?
I make jokes about cheese. Does that mean I'm a block of cheddar?
Liked by: sigh

Sexism isn't a joke. Women are discriminated against every day, sexism is NOT a joke.

When did I say sexism WAS a joke? I was joking ABOUT sexism.
I was actually using a hyperbole for the purpose of Reductio Ad Absurdum although I do understand how you could fail to see that considering Poe's Law.
I'm one of the least sexist people, ask my girlfriend. I'm an egalitarian but I don't get offended when I read an offensive joke online.
Have a good day.
Liked by: sigh

Well if you can say, then do!! :'D

T'would cause a bit of uproar in the lad who got his period so I best avoid the drama haha
Liked by: sigh

Top five favourite things about your crush/s.o

She's cute
She's funny
She's really smart
She's Dumbledore
She seems to like my shit puns and music taste for some reason <3
Liked by: sigh

I had a dream I was in medieval France and the beautiful princess summoned me to her court and then we watched Netflix and chilled. 😍

Same except with Sharonron
Liked by: sigh

How would you explain your basic life philosophy?

If your food is tastier than your guitar riffs then you're doing it wrong.
Liked by: sigh


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