
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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What are your plans for the summer?

Try to not go out of my mind with boredom and loneliness. Woo ^_^

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Do you think people deserve a second chance?

It depends what they did to destroy their first chance.

Who are your inspirations in day to day life?

Hm. I guess my family. My mother is a saint for putting up with my constant rants about music haha. They just have gotten me through everything and I can turn to them when I need help.

What can you do to make this world a better place?

Limit the amount of hate you exert on the world. Spread positivity and positivity will return to you.

Do you worry about your future?

Yes, but that's normal. Whatever I end up doing, I just want to bring joy to people's lives, whether that be through music or medicine I'm not sure.

There is a few girls there that are individual but can't exactly act the way they want to because of judgement and shiz like that

Fuck judgement. :) Let your personality grow. There are people who are close minded and are scared of things that deviate from the norm. Don't let these people dictate how you live your life. The biggest prison in life is living your own life in the fear of what people think of you. Cultivate your personality, let it blossom like a really colourful flower.

Would you consider any girls in your year as your type?

Not really no. Most of them just seem to be devoid of much personality. It's like they're all trying to be like each other. I might be wrong, that just seems like how it is.
I also can't see myself ever going out with someone who isn't into music the same way I am.
I could be wrong though, you never know.

Advice for someone who wakes up wanting to kill themself everyday for the past two years?

Wow, ask.fm has gotten fairly bleak.
Don't. :)
Get help, seriously. You'll thank me when you get better.


Language: English