
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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I think I like you...

That's very sweet anon, and I appreciate that but I have a pretty sweet girlfriend and I don't want that to change any time soon :3
Feel free to chat me if you want but keep that in mind y'know xD
Thanks for the honesty though :)
Liked by: sigh

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I wish the best for ye tbh, I barely know ye but I can tell ye are both absolute sweethearts and deserve all the happiness ye give to each other

Aw thank you so much <3
She's a bit of dweeb but I can look past that :/
Nah jk she's really cool :P
You should chat me if you want :)
Liked by: sigh

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

I'd consider myself very good at giving advice but if I amn't I atleast try to be anyway.
Liked by: sigh

Are you and sarune meeting or in a relationship?

I think it's more official/established than meeting so I guess it's a relationship? I'm shite with knowing these things.
Liked by: sigh


Language: English