
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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I've only read The Bell Jar, but as soon as I can,I'm going to pick up a copy of a collection of her work

Do, it's amazing :)

I love The Bell Jar. It's amazing. One of my favourites. Plath is just amazing!

You like Plath?
Marry me anon.
I fucking love Plath.
My favourite is either Elm or Poppies In July.
~I put my hands among the flames, nothing burns~

Ohhh what's on your list? Sorry, I love books xD

Not much tbh xD The Necronomicon, The complete works of Edgar Allen Poe, The Bell Jar (I'm big into poetry, especially Plath)

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Ew normal xD I love Harry Potter as well actually xD

Pffttt normal ;D why would you want to stick in with everyone else when you can stand out :P

I really love Luna. She honestly made the whole book so much better to me. She most definitely would be my favourite. You should read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It's absolutely beautifully written without being pretentious. It's the best book I've ever read.

I will add it to my list anon :) Yes, I love Luna for being unforgivably and unapologetically her own person.

I can't because you don't know me and it would be weeiirrrrdddddd ;-;

Trust me, there's nothing more attractive in a person than either having a good personality or being unique. Weirdness is another way of saying someone who deviates from the norm, and why would you want to be normal :)

I think that the idea is amazing, but I can't enjoy the books because I hate third person perspective,with one radical exception,and I hate Harry as a character. It's far from the best that I've read, personally although my friend adores it

I disagree but I respect your opinion :) I just love it, my favourite character is an odd choice but I love love love Remus Lupin. ~There is often less danger in things we fear than the the things we desire~

I read all of them when I was thirteen and I just don't see why it's held in such high regard literature wise

Harry Potter? I just fell in love with the world and the atmosphere. It's a form of escapism in my honest opinion. Obviously it isn't as pretentious as the works of Shakespeare but I still love the way it's simplistic and minimalistic yet is very effective.

you are duuuudddeeeeee

Dudeeee I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder I just don't see it :3

I'm not a fan of the Harry Potter books to be honest. Prefer the movies for once xD

I've only read a few but I like to read up on what the films miss :3

Book to film adaptions are rarely ever good

Harry Potter is an exception to that in my opinion. It was extremely well done although they should have included the story about The Marauders in The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

They did. It was horrible. It was the first three books in one movie and they gave Debbie a tail and put her in the Cirque. The Vampaneze weren't even purple.-.

Oh I thought you meant The Curious Incident :')
Cirque Du Freak (the movie) was fairly bad to be fair.

No, but I'm the second anon that said you were good looking xD

Oh haha. You should tell me who you are so I can recommend you a good optician :')

I am real. At least I hope so xD The movie they made of it was awful though

Haha xD They made a movie of it?

Season three is amazing like:') I cried so much oh my god;-;

I need to watch it so ;_; Is this the same anon from like half an hour ago?

I read the Darren Shan saga too. I love those books so much xD

R u real m8
Because you're so like me O_O

Third season of Sherlock is so worth watching asshgksjdlsl <3

Really? :D
Watson in The Reichenbach Fall was actually heartbreaking.

I liked the plot twist about his mother, it was really unexpected and well written

I don't really remember it tbh but it was an amazing book.


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