
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

The fact that the government care more about filling their pockets with the publics money than helping the public.

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Is humanity progressing or deteriorating?

Humanity is gradually deteriorating but also progressing. All life is based on the three processes; Growth, Decay, Transformation.

What makes you special?

People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I also enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

I actually don't remember. Probably Insidious.
Yeah it's hilarious.
I burst out laughing when Darth Maul came on screen.

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

*so tempted to say 'your mom'*
Go for a shower, listen to music, relax.

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

If you're not happy when you're single you're not going to be happy when you're in a relationship.

If you could paint anything what would you paint?

A silhouetto of a man, scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?

i dont know you that well, but we talk..but believe me when I say youre a lovable,funny and all round nice guy. Youve no reason to feel self conscious or paranoid :) And if youre afraid some guy is gonna win her over then you better get a move on ;) Good luck with it anyways, Im sure youll be ok :)

Thanks so much :) I'm lucky that I'm one of the few people who doesn't get anon hate that much :)
I wish I wasn't so paranoid tbh. I'm normally fine and normal and all smiley, but when I start liking someone I just get swallowed up by my own self-doubt and negativity :P
Thanks :) I hope so :P

too late for what by then?

By the time I work up the confidence to ask them out, some other guy with bigger balls will probably realise how perfect they are and etc.

it's alright, just the truth. I know the feeling. Hope it goes well though.

Thanks so much.
Chat me?
I doubt it will but thanks anyway :)

that's probably just paranoia. honestly you're so lovely and talented and I think you're great. even if you don't. you should go for it man, if you never ask her, you'll never know.

I know :/ Thanks so much! you're right, it is paranoia, but its really debilitating paranoia. I can't even think about this person without being swallowed up by my own self-doubt.
I'll probably summon up the balls eventually, but it will probably be too late by then.
I know :P I regret the people I never asked out more than the rejections I've been through.

so if you want to make her feel better about herself or help her realise how perfectly imperfect she is, ask her out man!! good luck

But I can't deal with rejection and I'm 99% sure they wouldn't like me back.

but your the best! anyways, even if she doesn't like you in that way she'd almost definitely want to know how you feel. like if you call a girl beautiful or compliment her it'll make her feel at least 30% better guaranteed. So if you say you like her? that'll make her feel very very good okay

She probably knows though.
I really don't want to sound attention-seeking. I just genuinely don't think I'm that great. *Harry Potter voice* But I'm just Harry.
Well 'just Harry', you are a faggot.
I don't even understand my mind sometimes.


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