
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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How often do you go to parties?

The last proper house party I went to was back in May out in Glanmire.
'Beneath The Glanmire - Opeth'
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Staliane <3 Mianna, Caroliane, Stamy, Amephen. Jenny Guiney, Stenny. Basically Amy Lee and Jenny Bee have to love me </3
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Do you sing in the shower? What kind of songs?

Yeah haha. It's the only place where I won't deafen people. Whatever's stuck in my head. Mostly Bohemian Rhapsody/Muse stuff etc.
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Best friends and why?

Liane: Because she's like the book-smartiest person I know and she's like one of the only people who can put up with my endless ranting and lecturing about music, books, poetry, films, science etc. And I can talk to her about anything and I trust her etc. and she's just such a dote :')
Glen: Because he is literally the sweetest guy you'll ever meet in your life. He is so selfless and I trust him and I can talk to him about anything. What a kawaii guy. He doesn't think his hugs are good but he's dumb because they're awesome.
Michael: He's 13/almost 14 yet I look up to him so much. He's so incredibly talented at creative writing/drums it's crazy. And he's incredibly educated on 70's prog and he's one of the main reasons I got into Dream Theater/Opeth. What an absolute dude.
Fianna: Do I even need to describe? She's an absolute bae awww :') HER AND MICHAEL ARE THE CUTEST THING but I digress. I've been able to trust her loads and all that stuff and the last time she hugged me we bear hugged for a solid two minutes non stop. That was fun. :P
Niall: Possibly the most alpha male ever. His hugs are like hugging a teddy bear. So that's fun. He has the dankest maymays.
Cian: He's amazing at guitar and super funny too. Very cool, very swag, I like it.
Caroline: I've only actually started talking to her properly recently and she's really cool! That Deathly Hallows drawn on your wrist in your snapchats though >
I most likely forgot someone. Oh well. If I remember someone I'll add it on afterwards.

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If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

Fucking her right in the pussy and the perks of being a cauliflower.
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What is the most overplayed song of all time?

I'm gonna go with Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana or Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple.
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What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Being Cory.
Nah, I mean, having a good personality is so important. If you're a dickhead in any way/shape/form to people who don't deserve it then its a huge turn off. On the physical side of things, Idk why but I have this fascination with dyed hair. Ask Fianna or Glebbles. And eyes. Eyes are so rad. I think they're like windows into the soul. Blue eyes are the best man. I also like girls who aren't terribly skinny and just a bit over average weight but thats just me being superficial. If they can play an instrument that's a huge bonus. Yeah ^~^ On the personality side of things, if they like the same things as me it's pretty appealing. They need to be able to put up with me endlessly going on and on about music so that drops the amount of people who would date me significantly xD But yeah. :P

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