
Sarune's Wife (Boob King)

Ask @StephenGuiney

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What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

A brand new black upright Yamaha piano.

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What are 5 things you love?

1. The smell of freshly cut grass
2. The smell of fresh air
3. Waking up on a school morning to realise that you have a few more hours of sleep left
4. Hugs
5. Music

What do you look for in a girl?

Just someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, has a good sense of humour (laughs at my shitty twisted jokes) and can appreciate good music. For some reason I like girls with big eyes, idk it sort of implies innocence I think. Basically yeah. If they can play an instrument and/or sing it's a huge bonus too.

Indeed, I guess you could say that huehuehue B) Still have that picture saved? :')

I dooooooo :')
You may be a master debator but I am a cunning linguist huehuehue.
Liked by: Shim Sham

Plus, when you think about it, either way, illegal or not, people will still perform home abortions, which are incredibly dangerous, whereas medical abortions have less than 0.5% risk to serious complications and do not affect a woman's health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth.

You've really done your research :P

It couldn't be murder, considering that the fetus would be aborted in the first trimester, in which it wouldnt be able to survive without the mother i.e. it isn't even a separate entity at that point. It's undeveloped and isn't capable of feelings or pain.


There's also the case that the woman got pregnant as a result of rape, sex trafficking or a sexual assault. Obviously she wouldn't want to give birth to it. It could also result to trauma for both the child and mother.

That's true.
Like I said I'm impartial, I don't really care about the whole topic :P

Exactly. Nobody knows, which is why 'What if the aborted child would have gone onto do something good like cure cancer?' is invalid as a reason against it.

That's true, my other points stand though. I'm impartial to the whole topic.

What if when people had casual sex or masturbated that one of the possible children i.e. the sperm present in said semen could have gone on to do something good like cure cancer? They could also have grown up to be a mass murder for all anyone knows.

Yes but how will you know which one they will grow up to be? And besides this is going more into a nature/nurture thing.

Opinions on abortion?

It's a very hard thing to give a definite answer on. In some ways I agree, in some I disagree. There is an increasingly prominent problem with overpopulation, and when does a group of cells count as a life? Is removing said cells just an extraction akin to a tumour or is it murder? Should a mother have more say in terminating a pregnancy than the father? What if the aborted child would have gone onto do something good like cure cancer?
There's just so many questions that there is no right or wrong answer to, therefore I cannot in all good conscience give an answer.


Language: English