

Ask @ChanaskX

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What is your favorite and least favorite thing about your country?

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If you had to act in a movie, what character would you choose to be?

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What is “home” to you?

The next steps ahead coupled moments that inspire, energize, compel and bring the will towards/for anything to happen.

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What is the best job you’ve every had/have?

oanhle’s Profile PhotoOanh
Best job, wow, I could burst out laughing right about now.
I mean, for me that's really an ideal place of the most regulatory standards and stable conditions. Kind of boring, and still, it's equivocal.
Quite frankly can sound a bit too far-fetched the more we toss it around in everyday language.
Nothing is "the best". It's really eye candy most of the time.
Best is fleeting, right about.... now.
And then, the next five minutes, and again, and again.
Sort of like the catch for perfection, exchanging and foreplaying the real senses, interactions and consequences for inconclusive gratification.
So, not really my cup of tea.
If things were "the best", then what would be improvement and growth?
To answer your question, no position I've ever held or shall ever hold be deemed -by the likes of me- "the best".
There always rooms to make tweaks, room to change our views, our reasons, our tastes, the very interests in placing things and even certainty out before us if we actually know the fine edges and the limits.

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I have a VERY small circle of friends but I enjoy talking to random people online just for conversation does that make me anti social?

Not if you want it to be that way.
I don't really see an issue with online socialization. In a way, with online there's more of a pace, a focus on thoughts and then an execution to deliver and communicate things that in-person doesn't quite meet. At least, that's how I view the difference between online versus face-to-face and in-person.

If you had a choice to either feel no fear or feel no pain for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Feel no fear, since pain is both taxing and rewarding.

If you were a super hero what powers would you have?

Accelerating learning maybe, with some power/skill/ability absorption so I can cycle through numerous traits and figure out which ones are more useful for me or/and what I'm involved with the most.

If we as humans evolved into what we are today, why are we the only species with processing advanced intelligence? Wouldn't it make more sense for something to give us knowledge or are we just that lucky?

Are you asking why we as human beings are developing the first stages of computer-based intelligence that will ultimately lead to future technologically advanced intelligences running the world's grids, economies, infrastructures, machines, digital systems (networks and clouds), and societies?
Or, are you asking why we are the only "smart ones" through trial & error with serious effort and why not be more akin to computers, digital systems, and machines where they can have information and data uploaded in order to assimilate such contents into knowledge?

I believe we are all different versions of the same persona (as human beings), and thus, makes us non-unique. What could possible qualify as an exception? Or, at least, possibly prove otherwise (aside from external/ internal factors impacting individuals differently)?

AdventureISeek’s Profile PhotoRose
I won't argue that anyone is completely unique from someone or another set of other individuals in this world in the past, now, or to come.
What I can say is this: uniqueness is a quality suspended in meanings that can alter over time. Which of course the understanding of unique today infers that someone/something is peripheral or unconventional enough to a form, a style, a way of being that other's generally can not do so simply. That's not even including the multitudes of choices, decisions and influences one can take on in their own rendition.
With this in mind, it would be okay to generalize -as you've brought forth- a fact that no one is entirely unique on their own, but it is reasonably safe and sensible to lead with the conjecture that a being or set of beings in focus could be unique considering the array of lenses through analysis.

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What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender ?

That really depends on the contexts: A) Physically in-person and up close, B) online and online/virtual expressions like profiles and avatars or C) more at a distance somewhere in the real world. What about noticing the opposite gender sexually or casually? Or kind of both at the same time?
Instinctually if find someone physically-sexually attractive it's due to their "how's" like how does their outfit extend their character and how does it express their current state, how are they moving, how is their style, walking/pace, breathing, physique and posture, their actions, behaviors. And of course how well health clearly exudes from them; eye's (and making eye contact with me or not), the tissues beneath the skin, lips, skin, hydration and level clearity overall I pay attention that.
If it's online/mobile then there it's more of their level of openness, the shared interests and views that link up really quickly due to apps like Hinge and OkCupid, or maybe no exchange of information like that and just online/mobile conversation where the determination of certain things is discovered through what and how they express themselves in a chat.
There's a lot of different things that I can notice right away and other things that I can figure out if spent the time observing whomever I've focused on. It really comes down to what exactly am I noticing for what specific reason and the context.

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If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?

This question a bit overkill don't you think? How many times can we all ask and answer this over and over again?
But, I'll answer it anyway. :)
So, younger self, or should I say former version, the one heaping piece of advice I'd share would be " Be whoever, whatever. Just remember to not do so for others first, not for other's likings, or feelings, or validation, or approval, or acceptance. Trends or cool, but look to timepieces, make up "your own things". You are the compulsory center, but you are nothing without self-learning, education, improving and building on this version currently and the next versions to come. You are insignificant, but so is everyone else no matter how large or small categories of groups or single individuals are. Ignore the B.S., blood is not family, friends are not always there, the world is a tale of stories of other's views and visions regurgitating out before you. Go see the world as your own self. GO, GO, GO, GO destroy quotas and doubts, create realities and concepts, and preserve the body and mind for as long as you can each year. Then do it again, and all over again.

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what makes you very happy a big gift or food?

Depends on what kind of "gift" and the food.
If it's food that resonates with my principles, is prepared well with care, sure, I'll take the food!
But, a gift would be fine. But, I'm usually not appreciative of random gifts or things that people can just simply purchase without much thought and effort put into it. Which is why I think food would be a much better option (most of the time).

How do you deal with stress?

Stress, hmmm....
Good question here!
Well, stress is natural, stress is inevitable, so it's certainly best not to make the habit of resisting or believing that anyone, any being can go along well without at it.
In a way, I kind of like that I develop stress; painful and rewarding stress. Even desire it at times.
Obviously, painful stress that is induced by infliction (from self or others, other things/events) wouldn't really be rewarding, however, there's usually something worth learning from or at least to take away a bit from painful stress.
Stress that I intentionally go under (such as conditioning, fitness, technical skills, etc.) that all evolves into a pleasure; with added bonuses as cognitive sharpness, physique, agility, strength, endurance and more.
How I manage these two main sources of stress is a more of "how I am" already; personality, character, temperance, tolerance, disciplines, thresholds. All of which are based on biology, psycho-emotional data (like deep memories), learning social behaviors, lifestyle changes, circumstances in the past year, the past 10 years.
For the most part, how I currently view "me" is a really complex compilation of a lot of greys, a hefty amount of darkness, and a good handful of generous light. For specifics, there is both a spectrum of light (like hues, saturation) and greys that support nearly every facet of mine or the contrasts.
Dealing with the stress that comes on by surprise -and also is harsh- without preparation can leave me a bit out of my flow. I find myself veering off course, losing my focus. When I'm faced with having to adapt to it, it can take me awhile to allow the appraisal of the difficulties to subside.
So, I'm sort of knocked-off balance, there's a veer off course, I'm spinning, tumbling, trembling, compounding emotionally and cognitively for a bit, and then pretty soon after I've cooled down, and "realigned", I'm alright. Eventually, I regain my senses, and I work towards dealing the obstacles or problems.
But, it's not always like that.
Sometimes it can take longer, which can shift my attitudes, my views, my paradigm. When something like that occurs (pretty much my state now), I have this feeling that "wow, how did I allow myself to flounder... I'm glad I felt/feel this way....now I'm recovering, now I'm recuperating".
Stress comes and goes from me, and with a more balanced conscious mind and body, I've basically improved my technique in handling it. Practices such as meditation, yoga, drinking herbal tea, body weight training, 'Yang' activities (like martial arts workouts to get the heat inside released), or even just walking for an 1 or 2, listening music, cooking and enjoying meals, laughing to comedy, or studying for hours on topics is what helps me manage any sort of stress.

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What do you love the most? Please answer

There is no real answer that I could honestly share that would meet the enticement of such a question.
I could answer it but the differences in the understanding of the question given by (you) the sender, versus the meanings that I would share would go null or incomplete to register with the interpretations of whoever views this posting.
So, I couldn't truthfully answer your question without undermining or compromising the equalizer of your intent, my truths, and all user digestion of the content here. If that makes any sense at all.
What I can say is [this is where I get real technical] :
I don’t “love” anything/anyone, per se.
I find that I either come to admire, find interest, arousal, amusement, pleasure in sources of influence -from many things, concepts, places, materials, and other individuals- then do my (most tolerable) best to continue or cooperate the means. Now, that’s just what I’ve personally have come to understand without having to matte convictions of my lack of love. That’s my current mode of operation; not convincing myself of overlaying figurative and symbolics into actuality (or at least not so much).
In the past, I’ve dabbled and attempted in harnessing feelings, expressions and “ways of love”, but it's a rather large provocation to know that it’s so infallible and misconstrued in what the concept and meanings behind that are so tightly attached to psychology and many other things in the world; the actual things, events, and situations that occur all around us.
As I’ve grasped it so far, I really think that anyone of us wrapped up in the pursuit and necessity of “love” for that sake of it, is a mechanism socially, culturally programmed in us to believe that is natural for our minds and each of our lives; it’s not. We as groups of civil societies have taken so many instinctual and naturally evolved processes and morphed them into new labels and connotations leaving us dissatisfied, disassembled, disassociated with actually being.
Surely love as a theme is beautiful philosophically, and the attainment of social appraisal is worth looking more at, but I really think that anyone that abides by this notion of love is following overwritten sets of ideals passed down from others who mostly never gave it much serious critical thought. This siren of a mass going through generations after generations without really dissecting the meaning, the various points of impact, the realities and changes at all. Complying to simply, openly accepting that love is prescribed for all, to use it so casually, I really don’t find it worth having it so showered in everyday life or language. Ideals and praise of love brought on by media, narratives, forms of expression are what continue to drive this. Superficial, adamant love is quite foolish, deploring even. There doesn’t really seem like a condoned option to dismiss or to not partake in the praise of love, which is kind of where I find myself in.

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So what is your favorite movie genre?

I'd have to go with Drama. But not drama on its own, where everyone is an ideal or typical character that all look attractive and charismatic.
Much prefer Drama infused with psychological, philosophical dialogue. Maybe a bit of mystery, suspense, action, and adventure depending on the setting and plot. Set in Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Supernatural or even just the present modern day.


Language: English