
☻ ash ☻

Ask @Neverthesamepage

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What does that all you got mean?

it means is sending in hate and then flagging the stuff you send in so it gets deleted all you got? Hahahahah.

Who do you really hate and really like?

I don't hate anyone and I don't really like anyone. Whoops.

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You sure do make yourself out to be innocent but what I'm reading you sure have done a bit with a lot of guys

Actually I've only done some stuff with two guys, and that's barely hitting third base. So, not really.

So I just got on here and started reading all the questions. That one guy who likes you has some fucking problems lol

Ahah it was prob just a joke anyways

Lol dude that's not how you talk to a girl for her to like you? You're shit dude. She's a girl. Talk to her right ass wipe.

If you're talking about the one that called me a shallow bitch then yeah you're right.

This isn't joe. God you're seriously incompetent.

Okay "date to my most important thing" I ruled out prom and dazzlers... What the hell are you talking about?

Do you ever feel like no one misses you, even when you're gone? Cause that's how I'm feeling right now...

Oh all the time love

I was your date to one of your most important things ever...I want to know if you ever saw me more than just a friend?

Oh sweetie that wasn't important to me. I didn't care about that thing. But I was in a really bad situation at the time so not exactly....

This "R" guy. He can't say who he is.

Ohhh, yeah true. It's probably someone I don't like. Who knows.

Fuck whoever is trying to intervene. I love you ash.

Who is this?? And intervene with what? And why do you keep calling me ash? There's so many different people now idk who's who

They should if the can't or can. They're fuckin with your mind and it's not off to a good start with you already. Right?

True. But if it's someone from my past then I really wanna know cause that's not right.

If you want her to know who you are do much little dude, man up and tell her who you are. She obviously won't care until you say something.

Unless it's someone who can't let me know who they are.


Well? Either this a joke, you're a friend messing with me, you're some random guy or you're actually the person I mentioned that doesn't start with an R. Any of those sound right to you?

Ashley. I just want to prove to you that you're worth so much.

You know the only person I know that talks like this is someone that isn't in my life anymore and their name doesn't start with an R and I only have one follower with a name starting with R so this is all kinds of messed up

:(. See like I don't even exist.

Are we friends on Facebook???? Does your last name start with a B?

Just give me a shot. I know you know who I am now.

I just asked the person I thought it was and they said no so I'm seriously lost rn


Language: English