

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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Alex is dead and its all your fault.

I know that already for fuck sake give it a rest is it not enough that I cry about it most nights or that I have tried killing myself.

I can talk about alex all I want. She was a great girl till she met you she was sweet and cute and you came and destroyed her life.

No you cant if you are blaming it all on my you obviously didnt know what was going on.

Alex killed herself because of you.

I know! Now stop reminding me ok? I cry most nights because of her and what happened and if anyone had seen the last messages we sent each other you would know how sorry I am and how scared I am

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Shut the fuck up about her, she is amazing, Sophie is amazing, so much better than you pricks that don't even have the guts to come off anon. No, she wouldn't be doing anyone a favour by killing herself, so many people love her, you're just jealous, cunt, oh and don't bring Saskia into this either.

Thanks baby <3 <3 <3

Alex was ten times the better person you will ever be.

I know and like I have said I would rather you not talk about alex.

You did hurt amie! She crys most nights because of you and your 'hoes' seriously get a grip. She was the best thing that happened to you.

Me and ma hoes are great so dont dis that shizzz.

Oh so you are glad amie is crying? Wait till I see you.

Yepp. And wow am shaking in ma boots here love you are so scary. Fuck am gonna go call the cops.

You, kiya and saskia need to go sit in a corner with a few sharp blades I think

Say what you want about me but dont bring them two into this ok? They are my life and I dont need people like you saying stuff like that about them. You dont even know them.

Do you think you are funny? The poor girl is in tears now

I dont know who you are talking about and if you are talking about amie good.

If you hate people why are you still here?

Because if I kill myself it shows all the haters that they were stronger then me and that they won

I wish you had died instead of alex. Everyone loved her not you

Same here. And dont you think I dont know that? No need to talk about alex ok so just drop it.
Liked by: JADE

Haha Amie is knock you and that hoe into next week

'that hoe' happens to be my best friend and you can leave kiya out of this and if she wants to try and 'knock me into next week' she can try but waht really happens will be completely different


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