

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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Do you regret anything?

One thing. Just one. The day I was meant to spend with my best friend. It was the half term before Christmas and I had wanted to see some girl but I forgot it was the same day I was meant to met Alex (my best friend) she messaged me and asked me where I was and I had told her I had forgotten and made plans to meet kiya (the girl) she said it was okay, I should go see kiya and that she loved me like she would always say at the end of a message but this time was strange. I had said I love you back and she put "I wish"
so I went to go meet up with kiya and about an hour or two I got a phone call from my mum telling me to come home. So I run for like two miles non stop. When I got home I saw two people, one was alex's brother, the other I had never seen in my life. One of them turns to me and says "Alex jumped in front of a car and didn't make it" I ran back to where I was with kiya and cried.
To this day I know and hate myself so much, if I was with Alex she wouldn't have done it. It is all my fault

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You're not a lesbian.

Ok, because you know more about me then I do. Yeah ok hun. Please leave.
-honesty night.

Nah I'll pass wouldn't want you to bite my head off

Right fine I know who this is anyway please leave.
-honesty night

Who do you miss?

That list is far too long.
People from Manchester and a few people that have left me the past year.
-honesty night

You deffo give yourself shit hun

Yeahyeah ok. I really want myself to feel worse then I already do? Yeah deffo. Cunt. Get a grip.
-honesty night

When you feel sad, what cheers you up?

Talking to someone but I can't talk to them because I was a bitch and told them to leave me alone.
If you see this pop up...? Please...
I kinda need you...

What kind of music calms you down?

Ellie goulding or emeli sande
but at the minute they aren't working lol.

Apart from snake bites do you have anything else pierced?

I have my ears pierced twice and both stretched, am getting my tongue, rest of both my ears, snake bits or delilas (snake bits had to be taken out) and I might get dimples

Yay :3 Thats cool.. not the school thing. haha . but yeah,i am obsessed with them

They are like so cool I have wanted them for ages ^.^

Do ypu have snake bites<3 ?

I did have but my school is strict and made me take them out so I am getting them redone in a few weeks


Language: English