

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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I feel unloved, unwanted, useless, upset, angry and depressed all the tine and I have to move away from people I love to be even the slightest bit happy at hone which will kill me..

Im so so so sorry for your losses, stay strong x

Thank you I just thing about them when am down and it helps me through it x

whos Alex, Jade, Yaz and Abi? You don't have to answer, just curious, sorry x

Its fine,
Yaz was my first ever girlfriend and we were together for 2 and a half years and she had cancer and passed away last year
Jade was the first person to know I was gay from my chruch group
Alex was my best friend through out the whole of my life
Abi was a friend I met abroad and we kept in contacted when we came home and we met up a few times and became closer
Abi, Jade and Alex all passed due to selfharm/ suicide

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07971834016 :) prank call me in vr and ill make it funny i promise:) I'll also send you a gift cos im bored and have nothing to do♥

I cant and wont do vr's sorry <3

5 best friends and why?

Lee- he is always there for me knows how to cheer me up even when am in a shit mood
Maya- she is cute and can cheer me up whenever no matter what
morg- she cares so much and is always there to talk to and never leaves me
kiya- she is beautiful and cute and just perfect, she is always there to cheer me up whenever
an thats it...

Don't listen to the twats sending you hate, they've gotta hide behind the anonymous button tbf haha

I know rightXD the are dicks anyways


Language: English