

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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I am so sorry i didnt realise how serious you took it im honestly so sorry

Seriously don't say the girl I love killed herself because you don't know what goes on in my head and this has happened before. Leave now.

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Did you see sleeping with sirens on Thursday? Ps. You are stunning :) <3

No D: I had tickets but I wasn't aloud to go :'( and thank you so are you <3

Opinion on Emily cann

She is just perfect. She is so strong and has helped allot of people get through tough times including myself. She literally saved my life. She is just amazing and has a great personality.
I seriously don't know what to say, I could go on for ever. She is just perfect, beautiful and amazing.

Do u lov her?

I don't know.
Lets get this straight ok?
Am 16,
I have my whole life ahead of me,
I am confused,
I just want to be myself
I want to enjoy my life.

If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it and what wishes would it grant?

What did I just read?

What's up? You didn't message me back? - Jack.

Why can't I just be a guy? Hmm?
Then wouldn't have to worry about emotions.
And if a girl hurt me I could just fuck her sister or her mum.

How can a beautiful girl like you be single

Am far from beautiful.
Am a cunt.
I am confused about feelings.
i am confusing in a relationship.
Everyone I like is either straight, in a relationship or would rather be with a guy.
I have a negative attitude so it puts people off.
Did I say am ugly? Well that one two.
I hardly go out and meet new people.
I hardly go out.
I have weird phobias and health problems.
I am a nightmare.


Language: English