

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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Once you find that one person dont loose them, cuddle the fuck out of them, make sure you both feel safe in each others arms, dont cry because you are sad, cry because you are happy.

I had that one person and they left me crying everynight.

You will probably just mock me to your friends or laugh, but once life has you on your knees, you are fucked. It will beat the shit out of you, you just need friends to guide you through the dark abyss of your heart, be optimistic, find love, dont make the same mistakes I did.

Life has me on the floor for the count, your too late.

I know you probably aren't interested about me, but I feel like that too much now I spent a night crying myself to sleep... Why does it hurt? Why does having your heart tore into 2 by the one you love hurt?

I am so interested am here to help. I do the same and I know how much it hurts, I do not knowbwhy it hurts but it does. I feel that if you watch a film you love or talk to a friend or someone who makes you smile a little right until you fall asleep it can help. Having your heart torn hurts mire then a broken bone and I know first hand how much it hurts but you have to confront who did it and tell them what they did. Trust me it will help.

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I feel like things in life are pathetic, I tell my self to give up, I ask could I die happily? And I never know the true answer to the question.

Things in life are pathetic. I tell myself the same things. I ask myself the same question but all I get beck is negativity because am never truly happy or I haven't been truly happy in a while. i will never know the answer to that question but I will know them I have had enough.

Do you ever have the feeling when you look at things and feel that fighting against them would be pathetic, but if it was for someone you love you will go to the ends of the earth and fight an army?

Yes, I would fight till my last breath for someone I love.

Me too and then they force me to explain and its a long plot :/

I know I just tell them they will have to watch it, I have it in both languages too ^.^

Omg my favourite films spirited away :D

Omg really?^.^ It is the best film ever XD no one I know has seen it x

What's our perfect type of girl?

tattooed, piercings omg
will have cute cuddle days in watching lord of the rings with me
and silly cute stuff
isn't afraid to be with me and kiss me and stuff in public

Fav movie ? P.s. You're beautiful ! X ( ask me something back if you want )

Spirited away and thank you but am not:3

You push everyone away

Please explain because I have no idea how I have pushed people away. Everyone just leaves me because am not good enough.

Favorite songs and why they are Your favorite?

Tonight alive - ameila because it reminds me of her and the times we had. Meep, it brings be back to them times.
Pierce the veil - a match into water because it was played at alex's funeral
Mk1 - Read all about it because charlotte is just... Wow. And her voice is amazing.
Ronan keating - this is your song because it was played at my nans funeral.
And I have many more but effort.

You deserve better then tori, he feared you away fro your friends and stopped you from being with that girl you like.

Thank you, where were you last week when I was so blinded by his cover and shit. He is a dick.
Liked by: Rose Cassie

What happened between you and tori?

Aha. Knew this would come up. He told someone who means so much to me to leave me alone. But I could be lost without her. She is like my life and he thought because I was upset it was her fault and told her to stay away but I would die if we stopped talking. Tori didn't care about me. But I know she does. He has rang me and message me and whatever but I have ignored him. I don't want to talk to him. He is out of my life.


Language: English