

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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Who is your hero?

she is so inspirational and has saved me life. She is just amazing, and what she is doing for charity is just awesome.
She has helped so many people out through the worst times of their lifes. She always looks on the plus side of things. She is just amazing. There is not a single bad thing about her.
She saved me and I owe her everything.
Emily if you see this, which I doubt, I love you.

Hai how are you today? Whats demisexual? If you had one wish what would it be?

I am rather shit to be fair.
It's were I have to have an emotional attachment to someone before I can be sexual with them or i a relationship with them. Its sort of in between sexual and asexual
i live with my dad in America
Liked by: Kozak Ukr Yazmin

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What would you like to do before you die

I have a few things I want to do
Meet up with my dad
meet leda monsterbunny
meet Emily cann, Kelly Johnson and tori riley
Go to Canada

Hey :) Status? Best friends?

Hihi ^.^ gonna marry my best friend but am single aha.
Probably brodie, Emma and tori

Ah good :) can't wait to hear it :)

You be okay- ish we don't really practice much because we have other things to do

Hey :) has your band got anything on YouTube yet?'

Not yet we have recorded but it needs editing and uploading ^.^

, loads of people would care if someting happened to Sophie and I always get worried about her when she's upset or something, and I'm 99.9% sure loads of other people do as well! So why don't you just stfu and get a life cause I'm not gonna let you ruin Sophie's life. Just fuck off stupid anons.


Oi. You fucking anon, seriously wtf... Loads of people would care if something happened to Sophie! Do you actually have nothing else to do other than sit behind a computer screen, hiding your face and giving other people shit?! Is that all you do in life?! Seriously, you don't know anything okay?!..

This... <3

She made my best friend cry and cut because she kept causing shit and saying shit to her.

Who is your 'best friend' and she would never do that to anyone she has been put through it herself so why would she put someone else trough it.

Why do you think your better then people and cause shit.

What are you talking about she doesn't.

Oh trust me I will take it up with emma just before I put her in the hospital

I have just said fuck off. Soph doesn't want you talking shit in her ask box. Fuck off.
- tori

My wifi won't die, can't say the same for emma

Oh fuck off Soph doesn't want any of this, if you have a problem with Emma take it to her. Soph has too much going on in her life. Leave.

And what exactly are you going to do to save her? Oh you can't because I'll get to her before you get to her she won't even see it coming, you want to hope and pray she doesn't go out tonight

Whatever mate, I hope your wifi dies bitch.


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