

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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helloooo whats demisexual?

Kenny Mendel
It is were I have to have an emotional attraction to someone before I can be sexual with them or in a relationship with them.
It is sort of in between sexual and asexual.
Liked by: Marou ♥

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Well there was loads of stuff that went on before but I will start from when my Nan had just died and I needed someone to come round at the weekend and she was the first person I talked to so that Saturday she came round and we cuddled and talked and she cheered me up and made me smile and made me feel loved. I had never felt so happy before and we shared this moment that was just... Wow. When she left we talked right through the night until she sent me this inequality message that's said she wanted me to be hers and no else's and another telling me that she had never felt that way before and she asked me to be her girlfriend and obviously I said yes. We sent cute messages to each other for the rest of the night until we fell a sleep. We sent cute morning messages for each other to wake up to and we talked non stop all day until we fell a sleep. The next time I seen her was the Saturday after and we went to mine and just cuddled all day. The time after was the same. The time after that I went to Manchester to see her and Jo, I was a good laugh and stuff but we weren't the same for some reason. The conversations turned strange after that. Then someone told her I was cheating on her I couldn't have been and I didn't. I never left the house. The conversations got even more strange and not all day, less morning messages. The nest time I seen her she came out with me and my old group of friends and we had fun I guess. My house was free that night, I popped back to mine to see if it was free and then went to get everyone, apparently someone had gone on between her and ricky so I was pissed off most of the night but me and kiya went off upstairs and well yeah you don't want to know that bit but it was special. Then the day after we were falling apart, the day after that she wanted to call it off I had told her to wait til we had seen each other again but the day after it was all over most of that week I stayed at house well since then I have stayed at home, I haven't been out Much, I miss her but she changed and she changed me too. I wish we would have sorted it out but we were too young I guess.
Everyone told me she had liked josh for ages and was with me to make him jealous.
Everyone told me she cheated on me.
Everyone told me she didn't love me
but no one knows what we shared or the truth.
If you want to know anything else about it ask but if its personal I won't answer unless I know who you are
- honesty night.

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What do you say during awkward silences?

"Awkward silence broken"... That always helps or "so my toilet gave me crabs" but mostly people run at that one
Liked by: Marou ♥

Best friend/s? What you want most right now? Best memory?

1) Brodie, Emma and tori
2) to see someone really badly, I miss them like crazy.
3) I have three;
the one out side the shop
the party before me and my ex broke up
the party after me and my ex broke up
the night I spent with some amazing girl
Liked by: Marou ♥

5 questions = 1. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you? 2. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? 3. What does demisexual mean? 4. Where are you from? 5. If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Hayden Lawless
1) my best friend saving my life
2) being at the point were I have had to be watched 24/7
3) it's were I have to have an emotional attachment to someone before I can do anything sexual with them, it's like in between sexual and asexual.
4) I am from Norfolk
5) invisibility most probably
Liked by: Marou ♥

i am doing A-level english literature..i know how to spell i am shortening words so i don't have to type as much so calm your tits.

You are doing A-level English? Wow really? And you still don't know how to use capital letters? Light.
Liked by: Regan☮

ah you should put that on ur info then coz demi means something else, demi means ur attracted to any gender as long as u connect with them on an emotional level first.

Learn to spell before you come onto my page, thank you.
I am well aware of what demi means.
Liked by: Regan☮

What's demi sexual mean ??

It's were I have to have an emotional attachment to some before I can be sexual with them, it's is sort of in between sexual and asexual.


Language: English