

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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Oh. Just that I saw on Kiyas you said you was not going to be on for a bit and you sent it to everyone that you follow ;C ask me loads of stuff? :) <3

Alex Blue :)
Oh yeah I forgot to send it to you am coming off after tonight <3
Liked by: Sammy

Who's 'Fre Fre'?

Someone I met this weekend and we have got really close and we talk like 24/7 ^.^ she is soo beautiful and just the best girl ever
Liked by: Sammy

What makes you angry?

Lying cheating bitches that thing they can use people for sex and then make them fall out with there friends and hurt them.

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If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

All I eat for three days i a row is a small cup cake anyway just one for the tree days

You have changed so much in the past week sophie, we miss the old you:(

No I havent, please explain...

Haha soph you should have seen yourself last night haha you were so funny and I think you got off with every girl there haha and what happened when you and Dannii got off eh;)

Oh god it was so funny and I probably did tbh ahahaha proper slag me ahaha nah am not really and what didnt happen between me and Dannii ;) lets just say we are a little more then just friends

Why did you and kiya brake up ?

I have no idea I thought we were both happy and I was trying my best to see her as much as I could but eh my best is never good enough...

To what extent do you trust people? Explain.

angellove14344’s Profile PhotoAngel♥
I have every bad trust issues so I hardly turst anyone but when I do I feel like I can trust them with anything

What gift will you never forget?

The drawing alex gave me for my birthday last year it is the prettiest thing I have

1) favorite childhood memory? 2) best pickup line? 3) favorite movie? 4) best place you have ever visited? 5) top 10 best friends? 6) favorite food? 7) worst lie you have ever told? 8) worst subject? 9) who do you want to be when you grow up? 10) opinion of the world?

Best childhood memories would be when I used to go down to the farm that my auntie owned and stay ther for a few weeks
Hey feel my clothes... Whats that feel like to you?... Girlfriend material ahahaha
Toy story
Ermm... Millom
Brodie, dannii, antonia, saskia?, maya, megan, josh and dom
I dont eat so I dont have one
Am so over her...
Pe or spainsh
I want to be an insperation
full of bullies and hatered


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