

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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What's the fun in that? Trust me she'll get what's coming to her so she best start packing for the hospital because as soon as I see her that's it

And as soon as I find you, you are dead.

If you care so much about emma make sure you protect her because I swear if I see her she's getting twatted and trust me she won't like it when she wakes up in a hospital bed

Say that off anon or to my face, faggot. Bet you can't. If I hear that Emma is hospital and find out who you are I will kill you.

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thanks for liking:D can i say you are just asdgjsdkgnbufhs ijnkmcnvbhfdn omg!<3 1.do you have a crush?if yes who? 2.do you have a friend with benefits?if yes who?:) 3.Do you masturbate?:)<3

CaitlinWood14’s Profile PhotoKate
Omg thanks:3 <3
1) I kinda do I guess, Lauren.
2) no I can't I am demisexual
3) nope

Who's the one other person that's kept you going?

It doesn't matter they don't know that they keep me going but they do and they make me smile so much and cheer me up.

Who do you miss?

Meep, long list I can't be bothered listing everyone so here's a few:

Why are you never out with that mosher that group anymore?

Because I dislike most of them, they act childish, they are 14-20+ and hang round a kids park :s

Are you ok? I was talking to Tori and he seemed upset about you.

No, not really.
This week has been like hell.
I want to sleep and never wake up and to be honest I don't think anyone would care if I didn't wake up.
Tori is awesome and right now one of the only things keeping me alive. He is constantly messaging me and if I don't reply in three minutes he gets worried because he knows what I am capable of.
Without him I would be dead right now. He is the reason am here today.
I love you tori.
There is one other person that has kept me going and she means the world to me and if you see this smile baba I love you millions miss you so much <3

Ew. What are you? You are vile.

Ok whatever.
I need someone anyone to talk to. Please I need help. I need someone to message me either through Facebook or kik other on here, the links are in my bio.
-honesty night.

Hi :) I don't suppose you do fan signs?

Depends who you are, probably but I am on my phone and not in a good mood so I will upload it tomorrow
-honesty night.

A few

Okay well to start off I obviously miss my cousin in Norfolk because I haven't seen her in a while and she can always cheer me up no matter what.
My dad because even just the sound of his voice calms me down.
Saskia but the old her because I could talk to her about anything and she would be there for me through anything.
Chloe Edwards because she was just awesome and knew when I was upset and could cheer me up.
Ellie O'hare for the same reason as Chloe tbh
Kiya for many reasons.
Maya I don't want to go into that one but yeah.
Lauren because she could.make me smile just from one message, she could have me smile from one hug. She was perfect in my eyes well she still is and I miss her loads. I need a cuddle off her to be honest she is amazing and so beautiful and yeah.
That's who I miss, well just a few.
-honesty night.

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