

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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I hope you and kiya get together so she can fuck you over and destroy your life.

Oh well thats very nice of you but I wasnt even going to ask her out.

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I hope amie doesnt get out of hospital for your sake.

I hope se gets out soon so she can see what you are all putting me through oh and death threats through my door are just annoying please stop.

What does it feel like to be so close to death?

It feels ... Different. I mean like you are at peace and you can feel all your problems and all the pain and hurt you have had slowly slip away... Fade into the darkness... But also within the last minutes you realise that you are going and you think of everyone you are leaving bhind and what this would do to them and you almost wish someone would save you... But thats just me.

:c okay hunni but am not there on monday but will be the other days and you probably know who I am :s and now am shy :3hehehe wuvs you ;3 I will message you now <3 <3 <3

Ehehehe;3 dont be shy bubs wuv you too ;3 and ok i wont come on monday then I will only go the days you are there cutie and you best inbox meh <3 <3 <3

Ok so I want to ask you out but I want to do it in person. Will you be in bolton tomorrow?

I think I know who this is and no am sorry hunni, but I will be on monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday so I will see you then bubs and inbox me anyways baby? <3 <3 <3

Have you seen lexi today? She went missing and no one has seem her...

Er not yet she is coming to mine soon she wants time away from everyone I will walk her home in the morning.

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Go back quick! Its terrible here! Go while you still can!

If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

I would use it to to show more support towards suicide and self harm

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

What an ugly cunt
I kinda like the way I look right now..
What am I saying I hate the way I look
what is that!
why is my hair like this....
Fucking hell
Hmmm try the hat
shit no dont I look worse
Put the hat back on
put it on now
meh that will have to do


Language: English